BattleCry1791 wrote:OK fanboys, here it is...
As my clanmate Indy put earlier in this thread...there's hundreds of issue specific threads out there already. Oh, you didn't know about the vehicle CPU/PG bug? Best gets to reading fanboi. And in order to list them all would have taken a book. The issues are well known to CCP and the last thing I have to do is go over all of them for the likes of the Carebear crowd. My intention was to put them all in one nice neat box with a bow.
But you want me to expand? Ok.
For all you simple minded gits out there with the "Adapt or Die" or "HTFU"....allow me this question. "Just who the **** do you think you're talking to?" If there is any group of players in the game that is the damned epitome of htfu or Adapt or Die it's members of PFBHz and the Imps/IE and a handful of other console FPS clans that had to figure out EvE in order to flourish here. If we're telling you "This is borked," guess what, it's freakin' Borked. We've seen this happen on other games and we don't want to see it happen here.
MAG was an abject failure in the end. It's why we don't play it anymore. One of it's largest failings was allowing 32 guys from one clan into a pub room against 32 randoms. Can you say pubstomp? Now, while that doesn't happen here in terms of numbers, it happens here in terms of gear. Saw it on MAG and I'm seeing it here...if you don't find a way to separate the new guys from the vets, you're going to see the new guys bail. That kills the playerbase and the pool of money to collect from. This is just commen sense from a business perspective.
As to tanking...right now, if you want to be safe from a tank, just get about 30 feet off the ground. We can't shoot up. Seriously. We can't shoot dropships. I call it a bug because I refuse to believe that CCP did this on purpose. I'd prefer to believe it's incompetence over flagrant breaking of a game mechanic. My dot will be on a guy on a second story platform and my shots are hitting the building 10 feet below him. HOW THE HELL DO YOU MISS THAT IN QA? Does anyone in CCP actually OWN a tank? And why change the rail gun spool? It wasn't broken.
Lastly, I'll talk about options and lack there of.
If you wanna "b34st it up", if you want to lead on the leaderboard, then 90% of you will have to spec for proto assault, complex shield extenders, and either the Duvolle or Duvolle tactical. The Heavy is now a secondary role with it's new proto HMG damage being below that of the previous build's STD HMG. The MD just got nerfed. The laser, while needing a nerf on the proto got more taken out of it than it needed. And don't get me started on the lack of the other three racial heavy suits and two scout suits.
Basically, you don't have options anymore. It's BoD514. And because everyone is shield tanked now, they even nerfed flux grenades. HUNDREDS of items we can put on our suits, and only one real path for domination. At least they nerfed the damn AV grenades.
There, now wipe those rainbows and stars off your bellies. You are not unique. You are not a beautiful snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.