Nova Knife
Seituoda Taskforce Command Caldari State
Posted - 2013.05.10 01:46:00 -
[1] - Quote
- AFKing
I'll be clear on this. I love the idea of being able to go AFK and infuriate, and sabotage a team. What I don't like, is how rewarding it is. AFK'ing should be something someone does when they see a wallet flash in the warbarge from someone on the enemy team saying "Please don't kill me, here's something on the side to betray your team" The incentive to AFK needs to be drawn from player actions WITH player consequences (Including friendly fire) instead of free and easy rewards like it is now.
- sharpshooter skill
I like that they are establishing a range baseline, it makes balancing much easier down the road. It's pretty clear that the general ranges of engagement are poorly suited to map design, and cover-to-cover firefights are simply not possible with most ranges. This forces someone to pretty much always have to charge, and someone to play defence. Guess who usually wins? The guy who stuck with cover. Yawn. I want goodfights where both sides can use cover. (Either properly or improperly)
- friendly fire
Absolutely necessary to go in, ASAP. CCP wants to protect pubs from this; I say that FF is a essential part of balance, as many things that are deemed "OP" are largely due to the circumstances in which they are used. (Splash weapons + grenades + reckless vehicle driving being abundant without fear of harming one's team lead to nothing but bad balance. Dust is supposed to be a hard game. CCP doesn't need to hold anyone's hand. They just need to make it clear that making brand new characters to specifically grief/teamkill is unacceptable. They disallow making Trials to grief in Eve, same concept.
- prox chat
A debate as old as the dust forums. In fact, the first proxy chat thread was the first post to hit over 100 pages, IIRC. Anyways ; I am not against proxy chat, but I feel it is important for people to be able to opt out of it. The level of communication one participates in online should always be their choice. (I could go on, but ask me elsewhere to elaborate)
- breach weapons
These actually got some serious ninja love in uprising. They're not the hands-down best rifles like they used to be... but the breach is definitely back, baby.
- matchmaking
It's broken, and CCP needs to admit that a system that doesn't work with low sample data is probably not a good system and likely wouldn't work with high sample data either. Needs TLC.
- leaving matches to avoid losing assets
I have no idea what this refers to. You already lose whatever you've died in/spawned in during a battle, unless it's still alive when the match ends, or you use a supply depot. If this isn't the case, there's a serious bug. Someone clarify for me what the question is about?
- framerate
It /was/ better at fanfest. CCP is just as confused as we are, as to why things suddenly broke in a build that wasn't changed.
- armor tanking vs shield tanking
Armor being **** compared to shields is something we've been making posts about since april 2012. Endless debates have been had. Endless solutions proposed. It's bad, and desperately needs to change.
- the lack of game modes
Domination is coming, which plays a lot like a king of the hill match where uplinks are super critical. I had fun with it during the playtest, and it'll at least shake things up a bit for a while. While PC isn't a new game mode (And shouldn't ever be called such by CCP) it is definitely something 'new' to do. Another shakeup. But I will say this : I want conquest mode. I want it asap. And I want Skirmish 1.0 and my beloved craterlake battleground back. I am super butthurt about the loss of craterlake. One of the best designed terrains of any outdoors FPS map I have ever played. (But at least we got fishbowls to replace it, right? *grimace*)
- laser rifles being OP
Main "OP" thing about laser rifles is/was 'pre-heating' the rifle. I actually think they need a damage BUFF, but need to ditch the idea of increased damage based on the duration of firing. Or at least, making it increased damaged based on time sustained on target. (This keeps lasers pretty useful against shield vehicles)
- unlimited ammo for tanks
Vehicles are a completely different ball of wax. Ammo is not the problem. Their problems lay elsewhere and I will elaborate if asked.
- command structure
Unclear what this refers to. Squads? Teams? Chat channels? Corps? Please clarify the question.
- proto pub stomping
This is only a major issue because of the lack of high end gameplay. The fact that there's simply nothing else for 'protobears' to do but farm pubs, is the main issue here. Of course, you're always going to have the risk averse crowd who want to shout about their epeen and stats and how amazing they are because they just hide in pubs and stomp noobs... But that can be mitigated somewhat through a better matchmaking and battle finder system.
- scrambler pistol 450% headshot dmg mod
This is just plain broken. Drop it to 200% and the pistol suddenly becomes fine.
- prone
- drones as assets
Both of these : Over my rotting carcass.
I've made dozens of posts on prone. I don't want to make another. Just search for that. Prone is bad for strafe games, awesome for twitch reflex shooters. Simple as.
Drones? Under no circumstances do I want to see AI allies in a PVP environment. Under no circumstances do I want little remote buddies that let some jerk hide in his spawn near a supply depot while he does stuff that 'help' his team.
Now, if you're talking about drones you could send to attack an enemy and trigger PVE to disrupt their districts? Awesome. But I will fight tooth and nail to keep the former out of Dust.
- heavies being OP
Simply cannot be summarized. The heavy suit is not OP. Things they use have their own balance issues. The suit type itself is fine.

Nova Knife
Seituoda Taskforce Command Caldari State
Posted - 2013.05.10 01:46:00 -
[2] - Quote
- AV vs tanks
Another thing that has been broken since day 1. CCP acknowledged this in the meeting we had today. Vehicles VS infantry is in a bad spot, and they're working to fix that. Honestly? I'm dubious to see what they come up with, but I'll be prodding heavily and urge all vehicle drivers and AV specs to talk to the CPM in the coming days.
- flash & smoke grenades
- mcc commanders
Both things coming 'down the road' and I don't really care to comment on vague futurestuff when so much stuff is wrong NOW.
- corp training rooms
- corp armories
Coming, but can't come fast enough. (Giggity?)
- AUR rewards and contracts
Not a fan of the idea or direct aurum transfers. A secure method of trading aurum tokens (an existing but unused asset) that have yet to be redeemed would be preferred. This could tie into contracts, but like i said : I'm hesistant to see aurum rewards for things like pve or pvp matches that are generated by the system.
- player trading market
Again : Coming, but can't come fast enough. Absolutely necessary to mitigate P2W arguments for aurum items like boosters and to appease jealous customers who want sexy outfits but don't wanna shell out RL cash.
- sky spawning
It'd be nice, and solve some issues. But raises more questions. Good threads about it in the past. Worth having more goodposts about this.
- cloaking
Very, Very uneasy about the proposed cloaking system. I don't like the focus on immobility it places and find it encourages campy attitudes rather than being mobility tool. See my thoughts here : https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=643806#post643806
- claymores
Would be interesting, but I'd be wary. I tend to prefer RE's as I highly dislike 'fire and forget' weapon systems in FPS games. These could easily cause a whole lot of lamesauce.
- what are your opinions on penetration gamplay?
Boarding stations and POS towers? Love it.
Boarding actual eve players' ships? Pipe dream. It's an awesome idea on paper but will never be possible in a practical sense during fleet engagements. The only time it'd be remotely useful is when you catch some moron ratting alone in a fancy ship. Even then... I don't like the idea of theft or destruction, merely dehabilitation via dust. There's too many problems with this concept to summarize and I'd be happy to elaborate in another post if asked.
- how do you feel about the mass driver?
I think it was fine before they buffed it the first time, TBH. The cycle of buff/nerf/buff/nerf has taken it's toll on pretty much everything in the game, and everything seems to end up worse because of it. The mass driver however, i feel is in a decent place right now. Regular users might complain about the nerf, and it might need some minor tweaks... but I'm happy enough with it as it is.
- how do you feel about LAVs being a OHK?
I don't mind it. Honestly, I don't. What I do mind is seeing LAV's screaming through their own teammates into groups of enemies trying to roadkill. If FF was on, they'd either never try that or their team would just blow them up.
Sorry for being in summary mode. Normally I'd go full blast like Heinrich did, but I'm just getting back into the swing of things after being away. Multitasking like crazy but I promised GNN I'd get this done! (Love you GNN) [/list] |