I recently left L.O.T.I.S. due to.. well, let's just say I vehemently disagree with some things that happened over the last few months and something happened last night that was "the straw that broke the camel's back".
So, I'm not looking to join anyone immediately. I need a breather to center myself before jumping into something else, so while we wait, let's play a game shall we? I tell you guys what I will be looking for in a corp, what my stats are, and all that jazz. Then you guys can question me further on my qualifications, tell me how much of what I'm looking for your corp will be participating in, etc.
IMPORTANTNOTE:I have already decided who I plan to join, HOWEVER I
can be swayed. If another corp comes along that fits my goals better than the one I've chosen, I may very well change my mind.
Why am I doing this?:Because I would like to know what different corps have to offer, and it would take days to go through and read each individual posting here in this section.
If there is any information you do not wish to discuss publicly, feel free to mail me about it.
Now then, my qualifications (please note that I play a lot of skirmish, so not all of my stats show):
Lifetime SP: 8,239,667
Lifetime WP: 987,265
Kills: 13,268
Deaths: 3,291
Ratio: 4.03
Playstyle:AR Assault currently, though I dabble in other weapons since there is a respec coming up. I prefer bulldog and altitude based tactics. Grenades play a large role in my build.
Dust 514 Experience:I've been in Dust since the Precursor build and averaged around 45 hours a week in game until this latest reset. I've slowed down a bit, around 25-30 hours a week on average due to lessening interest in currently available content. I was a founding member, director, recruitment officer, and under it's former management part-time CEO of L.O.T.I.S. and named it personally. I have experience running everything currently available in-game up to ADV level, and most things up to PRO level. Only 2 things in this game I can't use worth a crap- Scrambler Pistols and Tanks. I used to be so-so with pistols with the previous sights, but I never could grasp running tanks. I can build them fine, but using them is another matter altogether

What I'm looking for:I'm looking for a corp that plans to run PC and FW. I'm also looking for a corp that is somewhat discriminating about who they let in (skill-wise). Lastly, I'm looking for a corp that is laid back (free of dram's) and doesn't try to tell you what you have to or cannot spec into.
So then, is anyone interested in playing?