IR Scifi wrote:The only thing stopping you from coordinating with the rest of your team is the rest of your team. I often see people in team chat begging people to squad up. If there isn't an existing squad go make your own. Chances are you'll pick up at least one or two like minded hobo's. Who knows you might even pick up a good squad of your own to roll against. It's not a perfect solution but it's (usually) better than ragequitting a match imho.
Call it what you wants but it's pretty simple. Who wants to play in a game were you have no chance of winning? Maybe if all the corps I played against didn't spawn camp I wouldn't care, but right now they seek out the spawn point (the one and only one) and then proceed to camp the whole area around it and I die on spawn before I can run 10 feet. Or maybe if I am lucky they are around the terrain and I get to run 50 feet to the nearest cover and die on my way. Trying to fight your way out is impossible due to there having better weapons and gear and even if I use the same gear it will be less effective because of there bonuses.
This is the equivalent of me trying to fight a null sec player in eve online who has more experience in PVP, better ships, all T2 and a team to back him up if I can even possibly take him out. Why would I take that fight?
Are you afraid your going to lose your K/D or something because you will have to go against similar qualifications in players?
Another option would be to have a tiered system were people play based on SP/time in the game. So someone with 5000 matches and Proto gear isn't getting matched up against someone with 100 matches and militia gear. Doesn't that makes sense for player retention?
Might I suggest you start a character this coming weekend and go up against some squads/corps of 4-5 players and see how well you do even with your experience in the game. I without that experience (and many other people I am sure) do even worse. Now when I am not going against a squad/corp guess what... I am in the top 3-5 (most of the time top 3) and at worst I am in the top 10. Big difference in WP, big difference in the amount of fun I have!
At this rate I might as well as just max out every week as quickly as possible and not play at all until I get max skills in a few suits. No thanks will just go to another game or go play Eve online. At least in Eve online you aren't forced into playing against superior players (there is things to do besides PVP).