CCP FoxFour wrote:Laurent Cazaderon wrote:If that is the point, why would anyone bother with holding district in the first place ?
And why give incentive in attacking just for fun even without aiming at holding the district ?
I could understand that if it was through contracting which you discussed yesterday but atm, what's the point ? Fun ? Not sure this will actually be fun for everyone

Incentivising attacking is high on our list because people will only be able to realistically hold so many districts based on how many members they have. What do they do after that? Just sit there? We want to give them a reason to attack without taking and holding the district.
Why hold districts in the first place? For several reasons: Making money off of them, using them to attack other districts and make money, and also because of the EVE side bonuses.
Okay, i get that.
But let's get back to holding districts. Please do check my previous post
If attacking is profitable. Why hold back and not take the district ? Even if you decide to not hold it in the future, the way attacker regen clones compared to defender will make it quite easy to wear off the defender even when losing as much fight as you win. So that "bonus" district will generate ISK and clones you can use to refill other districts until you lose it. So why, WHY go "meh, not gonna take it". It's not like it costs you money to lose it if you dont want it.
AFAIK, in any conquest game the defender as the advantage on the BF due to defensive positions. In PC, it wont be the case. So fight will be played on a leveled playing field but the result of winning a battle wont be as good for defenders as it will be for attackers :
=> Defending district is locked
=> Defending district cannot get reinforcement from another district between fights
=> Defending district doesnt get clone regen when losing
=> Defending district gets a 50% of the remaining clones above 150 when defeating the attackers. (which will imo never happend)
=> Attacking districts gets 50% of the Clone production when winning (Which production ? the one of the next RT ? The one of the RT during which the battle happens ? A purely virtual clone production ?)
=> Attacking districts gets clone regen no matter the outcome of the battle
=> Attacking district has insta-move of clones when attacking, allowing next RT to refill clone launched in attack. Already preparing the follow up attack.
=> Attacking districts can get clones from friendly districts between two battles
=> Attacking district has dibs hour
Isnt that list explicit enough on how unbalanced both parts of a territorial fight are ? My point is that a successfully defended district gets the perk to..... work as intended. And even that isnt true as it can be locked immediately through the attacker dibs hour... Kind of a bitter victory right ?

Why not add a safe time for defenders so they can refill their district when they win a fight ? Either from genolution or friendly district ?

Why not make the clone stealing based on the the remaining clone even below 150 ? So defenders are guaranteed (unless mass suicide, that can happen) to steal some clones.

Why not offer defenders to turn part of the biomass from the fight into back up clones ?

Why not raise overall clone count, minimal clone movement etc.. to incentive bigger batle, bigger ISK sink, bigger stealing for defenders when winning ? If attacker is GUARANTEED to steal 35 clones when winning, why should it be any different for defenders, worse, why shouldnt defenders get more knowing attacker will get its clone regen when losing ?
Defenders need to be treated better. And that isnt incompatible with giving incentive to attack. I'd even say it's better if you got incentive to attack AND a real challenge in taking a district instead of just pounding it over and over.