Vyzion Eyri wrote:Just a thought:
I was thinking perhaps remove designation WP altogether, and increase the amount of WP gained from deployment and disruption.
Gaining WP for people spawning in, I feel, will encourage a pilot to fly extremely cautiously, bordering on the point of probably being considered cowardly, until the cap for designation WP is hit, then progress to accumulate deployment or disruption WP. This shouldn't be the case. I feel now that perhaps spawning into a dropship shouldn't be rewarded. It would detract from the element of surprise and speed that are a dropships most potent weapons. Fly in, leave burning flames and dead clones, then fly out. Hard and fast.
Also, I feel as if it's forcing people to spec into the Logistics dropships or buy a CRU, limiting their fitting capabilities, just for some extra points. I don't like that.
The reason I included it was because it seemed popular, but....
Warpoints from spawning, now that I think about it, doesn't exactly reward the more effective style of dropship usage.
Opinions on this?
i agree with Vry on "spawning". true it is a pilots decision to add a mobile CRU unit onto his dropship, but it is the soldiers who choose to spawn in my dropship. therefore, Acquiring WPs by this , i would feel like it would be abused. (IMO)
my opinion on acquiring WP would be to categorize the amount of WP earned per flight, depending on what the situation demands and the amount of risk it has to a pilot and his/Her dropship's survival as a contributing Factor.
ow risk WPPilot- landing and acquiring troops from the redline and then bringing them over to where the they would not be required, like at a secured area. this earns you minimal WP becasue you are not placing yourself in danger.
Gunner(s) - Any kills made with a gunner earns Minimal Disruption WP, because it is not ordered to and the gunner is "Weapons free" until ordered otherwise.
Medium risk WP Pilot- Usually deployment of your "Package" the squad you have in your ship. once you get to an area that is needed , you can usually ask the soldiers to drop there, or you "kick" them out.
i don't add pickups to medium because it would be
1. overused.
and 2. if people are asking for a casual pickup, the pilot is landing in secured space; there is no risk to the pilot and vice versa.
there might be situations where some sneaky bastard pops a shot off while your landing,but that might be an exception.Gunner(s)- a gunner has to be ordered to fire on a general location in order to earn medium Disruption points.
High Risk WP*Emergency landings* Pilot and Gunner- Landing in "Hot areas" where there is a slim chance of survival for both the pilot and the dropship.
this could be implemented by a request-receive method. a soldier in the thick of battle requests an emergency pickup /reinforcement for him and whats left of his squad, the pilot responds .
Picking up/deploying soldiers this way earns more WP than the rest, because you are risking your Ship which is almost four-seven times the cost of a standard grunt. you have to be compensated in as much WP for contributing to the battle on the ground.
Gunner(s)- "Paving the way" using the same request-receive mechanic. a grunt needs some supporting fire, call a pilot with gunners, highlights an area and the gunners do the rest, earning what Vryizon would call "Disruption" WP. This is high risk because you do not know if someone in that area has a forge gun a swarm launcher, or any method of AV operations. you, as a pilot is placing your trust in your gunner(s) into providing accurate fire at that general area, assisting the boots on the ground.
to Vyzion- this is my take on it but if the pilots agree with this, the i take no credit for this idea.
Also A good idea Vyzion, would be to add the link to the post within the thread, that way users can click the link and will lead to a pilot-made contribution in the thread, adding a short summary would also be nice to give us readers a idea behind said

also saves alot of valuable space.