Persoanally this makes it even easier to spawn camp as the maps are simply not large enough for players to spawn in out of danger.
The result me and my squad move in a circle we get eyes on one new enemy spawning and we zerg and usually the whole team follows us since we all know the ENTIRE enemy team will be there shortly
Given the way players spawn in with the clone appearing prior to mind transfer and our ability to damage them during this initial process we can wipe out clones BEFORE the player has CONTROL.
Im not going to bash this as i applaud the effort. It just needs to factor in map size and player count.
The most notorious map for abuse is manus peak(bowl map/merc events map)
Here once a team is spreads out like a fan around the bowl the rock peak to the North east and the larger two rock formation opposite side.
The algorithms only "safe" spawn is the clearing opposite the bowl to the left if you are facing out from the bowl towards the two rocks where enemies often spawn.
Actually ill use the map coordinates from the feedback page to be more specific. has players positioned at [C/D 3-4; C/D5-6 and D/E 6-7] only safe spawn is E/F 4-6. This is a open clearing and basic a spawn lock that cannot be defeated.
That said it seem Line Harvest and Skim junction maps that have more cover and more playable space this algorithm works better but again we can still move in a circle and zerg an area and cut off escape because once we see one player spawn there we know the whole team is going to spawn there its utterly predictable and can be easily gamed. Where it fails is Manus Peak and Ashland as these maps are much smaller in terms of useable map space and thus easier for a 16 person team to cover.
I for one liked the old setup because even though the spawns were random they were fixed so once you knew where they were you tactical awareness made sure you were covering your flank if you were running and gunning.
Moreover i found if i delayed my return to battle for about 15 seconds it gave the algorithm time to spawn me in a realtively "safer" spawn point. This also held true for me in the beginning as i would wait 30-45 seconds before spawning or until i saw at least a handful of enemy reds before spawning in.
However that works on an individual scale but if everyone did it would still create that initial ambush since everyone is spawning together the algorithm cant use all its variables to adjust for spawns. My solution to the "first spawn" spawn problem of the old algorithm is create is so first spawn is all team spawn together and on the two farthest points on the map. After which let the old spawn mechanic take over, and get the word out it needs 15second to find a proper match. Then test this for a month and see if the result hold true.
Moreover the playerbase needs to get out of the COD mentality of rapid return to combat. The reason clone counts drop so fast is becaue 8-10 people die and they all hit respawn instead of waiting to be revived. IGN comments on the live feed so many QQ about 10second timer on respawn as if its a bad thing. The game should be frantic but theres a different between chicken with its head cut off type of pace and disordered ordered caos pace.
Moreover uplinks can drop respawn time to 5 or less seconds.
My advice CCP is you need to build up your own YouTube channel and starting creating "advanced" features videos that shows how as you progress how the gameplay evolves and the "tools" of the trade that will allow for that. I apoligize for this slightly off topic rant but i feel it all ties together as the primary complaint over ambush spawns comes from players not understanding the system and an overeagerness to return too quickly to combat.