Posted - 2013.02.09 21:19:00 -
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Hello, and welcome to the Orbo Confederation corporation thread.
We're a strictly anti-Amarrian corporation with designs to bring the Amarr Empire to it's knees. We aspire to accomplish great things by achieving this goal and we recruit our mercenaries with this goal in mind.
This is not to say however, that we will deny mercenaries of Amarr origin, so long as they harbor no allegiance to the Empire, it's people, and it's ways.
That said, we will only accept contracts that do not benefit the Empire, either directly or indirectly. We intend to push the other races to their rightful place as the galactic superpower that the Amarr currently is.
As mentioned above, we will not take any contracts that benefit the Empire either directly ot indirectly. That said, we will need good members who have a strong grasp of the political powers of New Eden and advise which contracts we can or can't take. As someone new to the universe of EVE and DUST, my knowledge of the planets, factions, and political sways is very minimal. I'd like to thank such members in advance for their help in this matter.
Anyone wishing to enroll in our corporation as a Duster must be able to accept the fact that not all battles will be full of fire fights. In Skirmish matches we expect squad members to capture and hold a point. Regardless of how much action the other points are getting. It might be more fun to get into the thick of things, but we have a job to do and it's holding the points we capture. If your point is being hacked, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, let the hack complete before re-hacking. I know it takes longer to stop a virus compared to simply uploading a new one, and that you get no points for stopping the virus, but at least your denying the enemy team to getting a free hit on the MCC, and you're denying the hacker his 100WP ... that in itself has value. In Ambush, we expect squads to move as a unit. We DO NOT want the entire team to move as a pack, that will naturally leave us vulnerable to a well placed grenade, concentrated fire from vehicles and enemy infantry. Squads will move independently from one another, but stay close to other squad members in order to assist in taking down enemy squads. A high K/D ratio means nothing if you don't work as a team and the group looses as a whole. In both game modes, a mic is not required, but highly recommended. It will greatly facilitate communication to other squad members and as a whole to the entire team. If a player does not have a mic, he is required to inform the squad leader of this. Squad leaders are then required to make use of the text chat in order to relay orders as best they can. We look for leadership and the ability to make good calls in tight spots. Players who show a strong sense of leadership and are active in the corp/help out new recruits, are likely to be lined up for a promotion.
Anyone wishing to apply to our corporation as a Capsuleer ... well since I don't play EVE I don't have a specific set of criteria for pilots to adhere to. Perhaps Dusters with an EVE account can advise? I will say this however. If an EVE pilot is capable of doing so, and can coordinate with fellow squads, it would be much appreciated to lend support in the form of Orbital Bombardments. We understand that doing so poses a risk to the pilot ad his ship, so we will not make this a must have option. But it would be nice.
As this is a corporation, there is naturally a chain of command. All members are required to follow this chain of command and are also asked to not abuse their power and authority in the event of a promotion. If a member develops an issue towards another member, for whatever reason, I strongly urge them to report the problem to the CEO (myself) directly. A promotion can be awarded for a number of reasons. Good leadership, strong team tactics, good team player, friendly to new recruits etc. As this is a new and small corporation, all decisions for promotion go through the CEO. As the corporation grows larger in number however, a voting session will be held every few months. In regards to the voting, all players who wish to submit a candidate for promotion THAT IS NOT THEMSELVES OR AN ALTERNATE CHARACTER can do so via in-game message to the CEO.
There are no prerequisites to apply apart from those listed in the "Overview" section of this thread. That is, so long as the applicant is supportive of the downfall of the Amarr Empire then they're able to join.
Be warned. The corporation will not tolerate negative behavior in any way shape or form. This includes, but not limited to, excessive swearing, insults towards other members, trolling and flaming. There's a warning system in place. Meaning that if the CEO gets frequent complaints about a member, he will issue the offender a warning. Once a certain number of warnings have been accumulated the offending member will be asked to leave the clan. The player will then become blacklisted and will no longer be allowed to make an application to the corporation either from the character himself or any of his alternate characters.
And with that, you have just been given a glimpse into how this corporation works. If you find that this kind of ideal is for you, then feel free to send an application either here on via in-game message. The ID tag to look for is OBCFD. Hope to see you on the field of battle
Also feel free to ask any questions you might have in regards to the corporation. I will answer any of them as best I can. |