I am one of those people who bought a PS3 to play Dust. I have never played on a consul before and have not played a FPS since 1993.
In the last two days I have had several matches where I faced skilled FPS players. The experience was impressive/daunting/scarey but most of all very humbling. (For instance, in my only Corp battle to date we went up against What The French. WTF was certainly my reaction to meeting them in battle. LOL)
A good player with an assault rifle can kill me at their maximum range in the time it takes me to line up a shot with a sniper rifle. And I sport an assault suit with upgraded shield and armour skills, not one of those paper scout suits.
I use cover, and study tactics. I try to play this game smart. But non of that matters when it takes 3 seconds to line up a shot and I am playing against people who can line up their shot as fast as they can move their weapon.
On the up side, I am way better with the controllers than I was when I started about a week before Open Bata. So I think what I need is just practice, practice, Practice! Luckily my wife is going to be away for the next 3 weeks on training.

Now, the points I want to make (all be they random and divers):
- This game does require skill, the kind you canGÇÖt buy in a book using ISK. I know, because I donGÇÖt have it. (Yet?)
- I am an expert at dying, yet I have not encountered a weapon yet that I thought was overpowered. I have been able to figure out how to deal with each one I have encountered... in theory. In practice a girl-scout with a sling shot could probably take me in a straight up fire fight, but I did not make this thread to cry for a nerf to slingshots.

- I have encountered players who are worse than I am. I sure hope they donGÇÖt post nerf threads.
- The frustration of being killed 5 times in a row by the same guy with a laser riffle all goes away when you come over a hill with a sniper rifle and see laser riffle guy standing with his back to you. Give me 10 seconds to aim and even I can get a head shot.

- Finally, as horrible as I am, I have been thoroughly enjoying this game and the people in it. I would like to tip my hat to the skilled FPS players that I have faced in battle and who have shown me a level of skill I can aspire to.