Paran Tadec
Imperfects Negative-Feedback
Posted - 2013.02.02 06:26:00 -
[1] - Quote
I3randonPrice wrote:Dust 514 may be in beta still but it has tons of problems! This is a post about how many problems are in this game that, to me, destroy the game and "break" it. Here I will discuss why and what problems there are by using my own personal playtime as experience and knowledge. Lets start with weapons.
][1. Weapons ][ -- The main assault rifle of the game has to be the most annoying and unrealistic thing i've ever seen. You basically dont even have to put effort into killing someone with this, especially if you have the highest tier version. You don't have to compensate bullet drop because its basically a line, that if the target is standing in, will quickly kill them. You don't have to compensate recoil because there is none! And thats not a good thing! You can just point it at someone, hold the trigger for a few seconds and BAM, their dead.
Other guns in the game? Oh yeah, yeah.
-The "shotgun" of the game is pretty good if you're in close quarters. Every other area, you're dead. Why? Assault rifle..
-Grenade launcher is very underpowered and feels like you are barely touching them with it even when you're shooting it right next to them.
-Laser rifle, I've only used it once but died (because of assault rifle) so im not going to comment on it until I've used it a little more
-Nova knife... Pointless? (O ~ O)
-Rocket launcher -- its kinda useful when you've got vehicles needing destroying but its pretty pointless other than that seeing how its lock on only (or atleast the version i used was. maybe if its higher ranked?)
-Grenades -- I think they're called locust grenades? (correct me if i'm wrong) But HOLY CRAP THEY ARE TERRIBLE!!! Throwing those things is such a hassle that they arent even considered a last attempt for me when i'm in a firefight. Before one of the patches these things were horrific. They would be thrown at a set angle and distance and had little room for adjustment. After patch they became more free to travel where they wanted, and I mean these things would go where ever you didn't want them to. If you are going to try and throw one of these, make sure to be atleast 10 feet away from any wall or obstacle in any direction of you. I literally threw one once and it bounced off the wall that was 4 feet to the left of me when i wasn't even aiming in that direction at all. I have died countless times by these. And not from enemies but from myself.. and walls..
-Heavy Assault rifles? (chain gun thing) -- once again ive never used one so i'm not going to comment on it until i get a better understanding of them.
-Sniper rifle -- Once again there are NO BULLET PHYSICS WHATSOEVER! It's like a Call Of Duty game when it comes to physics except worse. Even if this game is not based on bullet combat and may be something like lasers, it could use some type of physics and not just a point and shoot game where the place you are aiming at literally gets hurt instantly. Refer to the line theory.
I think thats all of the weapons, if not please add to this of weapons I may have missed.
][2. Vehicles ][ The vehicles in the game have one similar aspect, they are very clunky and are hard to master (Control wise)
-Light vehicle -- Driving this for the first time to me felt like the car was sliding on the ground all the time. Am I the only one? It was like there was zero traction on the tires. Or the dirt on that planet was very smooth.
-Heavy vehicle -- I have never used a tank.
-Dropships -- I have flown in the gunner seat of one of these and have flown one of my own. After atleast 5 million ISK spent on skillbooks and supplies, I got to buy my own dropship to fly. I was quite excited to be honest but knew the risk of going up in the air without knowing the controls and dangers. So I call it on get in the air (knowing what pitch, yaw, and roll all do in combination while flying and knowing the control placements) and once when I started to fly it it was like everything was reversed! I tried to pick up the nose and it starts tilting left! The hell? Maybe it was just a bug or something or maybe i read it wrong, but basically i crashed.. And lost my ship almost instantly.. Those bitches cost atleast 230k each. It sucked..
][][ Anyways I'm gonna stop here because I've been writing this all day during many game sessions to be most accurate about what my personal experiences are and to type them down as quick as possible. I will pick this up tomorrow or so with more information and continuing this post so come back every so often. ][][
I'm not being a hater and I'm not complaining because I may appear "noobish" to some, but I'm just an average guy explaining why I think this game is very broken and could be fixed. If I have stated a name incorrectly or if I have just plain screwed up something please feel free to comment back.
Call me CCP, we can fix this! ;)
1. The assualt rifle is actually a plasma rifle, so there is no bullet to drop. 2. Shotguns are for close quarters, derp. And its a plasma shotgun. 3. The mass driver is fine. 4. Laser rifle does more damage the closer it is to overheating, and does more dmg at range than up close. 5. Ive seen guys go 30-0+ with the nova knives. 6. Swarms are lock on only. Earlier builds it wasnt, and it was incredibly OP against infantry. 7. Learn to throw. 8. heavy machine gun. Atleast make an attempt to know what you are talking about. 9. I actually agree with this, the sniper rifles are broken. 10. LAV's have been tweaked and are much better now than before. 11. no comment on tanks. 12. Its hard to fly, should have invested in the militia version to try it out first.
13. Basically, you are having a hard time because you aren't taking the time to learn how to play the game. Find a corp to play with. |