* ReGnUM Pokes his head out to makes sure no Minmatars are looking, and lets out a sigh of reliefHello fellow DUSTERS
I just recently escaped from my Minmatar internment camp... and yes they do exist
. As much as I would love to go on and talk about the false justice of Minmatar SCUM. I sadly have more pressing matters, and alas not much time. For I believe, [GM]RUST and many others, are hounding my trail like the Minmatar dogs they are.///
So basically, I wanna kinda talk about/ promote my DUST 514 Youtube channel. My channel, so to speak, is going to be a platform for: Tutorials, Montages, Clan battles, game play commentary, and much much more. The next weeks are going to be very exciting so please stay tuned and subscribe.
Right now I have two videos up:
DUST 514 INTRO PART 1-Ambush Gameplay , with voice over commentary.
-This video focuses more on the Gun on Gun game play, and gives new players a general idea of what you can expect from DUST 514 gun fights.
-Gives some Tips on gun-play, such as Hip fire, strafing, and Map control.
DUST 514 INTRO PART 2-Skirmish Gameplay, with voice over commentary
-This video focuses more on the RPG and MMO elements unlike part 1.
-Explains my definition of the roles in DUST 514.
-Talks about the counter play in DUST 514
-Lastly, Tips for new players playing Skirmish and Using counters.
Now there are a couple reasons I have this channel:
1. To promote DUST 514
- Increase the awareness, and in doing so, increase the player base of the game. Help give DUST 514 the justice it deserves.
2. Help new players adjust to DUST 514.
- We Vets sometimes forget how complex this game can be, especially for new players. I for one, is just barely getting my head warped around DUST, let alone EVE ,and I have been playing FPS's my whole life. So, I wanna help cushion that initial shock for new players
3. Personal GAIN
- Now I wish I could be like SAINT ReGnUM and say I am doing this only for the DUST community, but sadly that is not the case. I do like the idea of 1000's of people hearing my voice and watching my L33T SkILLZ
. My ego is quite a vicious creature if left unchecked
Now some of you are asking, "ReGnUM why are you now helping the game, when you bashed it so much in the past
I guess... I just came to some sort of realization or change of heart. There must be some reason why I have been in beta and playing for +8 months. So I decided to go with the flow, and promote the game.
Anyways, I would like to give a special thanks to [url]http://www.dust514.org/[/url] for sponsoring my videos on your website, and working with me on my channel... Thanks guys.
I knowing we are now entering TL;DR territory, so I will keep it quick . Anyone, who wants to help me make tutorials , or anything else video related; please join
ReGnUM's Tutorials, and try to have a Uvt for obvious reasons.
Lastly, if you have any videos / tutorials you want me to make please post them in this thread, [url]http://www.dust514.org/[/url], or on my YOUTUBE videos. Please remember I need to outline them, get the gamplay, script them, and then do some final editing; so it might take sometime.///
Have a great day and see you the battlefield.... ahhhhhhhhh
*ReGnUM is quickly, by surprise of course, apprehended by three very large Minmatars, and quickly restrained. However before they gag him he Bites one, and SHOUTS, "RECLAMATION IS UPON USTL;DR
-Check out my DUST 514 Channel, for tutorials and much more.
- I Want my channel to promote DUST, and help new players adjust to the game.
-Please post videos you would like me to make, or if you want help make them join "ReGnUM's tutorial" channel on DUST 514
Have a good day!
Side not: please do not move this to training grounds, well at least not yet