Nickles Jester
Posted - 2013.01.28 10:01:00 -
[1] - Quote
I liked this because it was well written, intelligent, and had lots of good and valid points. I consider myself a bit of a hybrid player. Most players consider themselves to be just console or just PC, at least in the dust/eve environment. Now I've been gaming since the early 90's starting with just about every console there has been. I started gaming on PC in probably 1996-1997 and since then FPS has been my bread and butter, started and loved the oldies DOOM Duke nukem wolfenstien then half life and I played the beta for the mod counter-strike, then counterstrike was really the game I probably got most serious about, I had gotten as far as cal-I with my clan #sand. I then migrated more towards consoles due to pc hardware failure, as time went on I got a better PC for the time and got into allot of different MMORPGS including playing EVE for some time probably about a year before the release of the 3D character models so it's been awhile. I haven't been able to play again because again I ran into Hardware problems and for the time it's much more cost effective to game on console until I can buy a new gaming rig.
However I digress and I need to get to the meat of what I want to talk about. There are a few things you said that kind of irk and that I don't agree with. One being where you said "which can only be voted in by the active-subscription-paying account holders of Eve Online" That kind of irked me because if you have an idea what you are doing in EVE especially if you've played long enough to garner any sort of respect in the game you shouldn't be paying a subscription. It takes at most 30 minutes a day in order to make enough funds to play for free so that's why that statement kind of irked me. That's not the real point I wanted to make just part of it.
My point and the last thing that irked is that your OP tho filled with great points is complete Eve elitist bull-kitten. I say this because us dust players don't need to bow down to the great and mighty eve community. Eve players NEEED to earn the respect of the console FPS dust players just as much if not more so than the dust players need to earn theirs.
One of the reasons Dust was put on console in order to get a MUCH larger audience in the FPS genre for their FPS game is because MMORPG players do not have the correct skill set or mindset to successfully play FPS. That's why they stick to MMORPGS, as much thought and planning it requires it's still tons easier than FPS on a purely physical level, that's why most if not all FPS players consider MMORPG players newbs because they simply don't have the tactics, reflexes, or situation awareness to succeed as much in fps as they do in RPGs.
Eve is a great game, its mathematics, planning, business, politics, and strategy. What it is not is physically demanding. Also the EVE community has treated it's own community far worse then dust has in the past, the trolling, the trash talking, the drama has been 10000x times worse in eves past so I'm not entirly sure what your talking about. Lastly as it is now in the current build Dust players don't need EVE players at all, they offer zero benefit or difference to Dust players we still get OB without them from ccp. However EVE needs us as it is now in FW what we do actually matters in the EVE universe, and there is not a damn thing that EVE players do currently that affects our game negatively or positively.
TL;DR I respect the post , no intelligent eve player pays for subscription, EVE players have disrespected their community with trash talk and trolling far worse then dust has to theirs. Dust players do not need to earn the respect of EVE players as much as EVE players need to earn the respect of Dust players. Nothing EvE players do contributes negatively or positively to the dust community where as just about everything Dust players do affects EVE in FW. Majority of MMORPG players could never physically do what most FPS players do so MMORPG players shouldn't hold up their noses to us and act like elitist dicks because they need us more than we need them.