G-SLicK wrote:Should CCP tell us their goals and visions on dust? Are they doing things their own way? Or are they listening to the newer players too much? I personally want to know more details about what they want dust to be. Example topics:
- How effective do you want each class to be in battle?
- What were your goals with the vehicle balances?
- Which level of gamer group are you trying to please? (Newbs? Casual? Hardcore? and why?)
- What would you like us to do more testing on?
- Do you want DUST to provide some sense of accomplishment when leveling up?
These are sample questions that i would like CCP to answer. Also the community should take a stab at some of these questions too. If there are any you want answered as well please add them.
Here i will start first,
I would like each class to be effective in their own way.
Assault Suit - Basic Mercanary able to get any job done with quickness
Heavy Suit - Great for taking damage and going toe to toe with vehicles
Scout Suit - Good for being sneaky and getting to strategic points faster
Logi Suit - Great at keeping every alive and providing ammo and supplies for everyone
Along with the weapons
(AR) - Great at close/med./long range
(LR) - Horrible at close/med. range but better than AR at long range (Mainly for taking out heavily shielded reds)
(HMG) - Great at close/med. range and better then AR at this distance
(SMG) - Same as the HMG but shorter clip size
(SP) - Great for close to med. and better than SMG but shorter clip
(SR) - Great for long/far range
(MD) - Great for close/med. range. (Provide heavy suppressing on enemy team)
I want vehicles to be fun to play against again. They should take at least 2 AV specialist to take out.
I think the turrets on all vehicles should have a SMALL increase in blast radius.
I think this game should be made mainly for the Hardcore with casual in thought. Why? because anyone/any corp who plans on doing FW and other deeper levels of game play are considered hardcore. It seems as though your tuning DUST to the players who only have time for 3 games a week. WE HARDCORE PLAYERS WILL BE THE ONES WHO WILL KEEP PLAYING IN NULL AND LOW SEC. i cant say that enough!
Im confused on what CCP wants us to work on and on the things they think are fixed. Please tell us something CCP.
Finally, I want to feel awesome that i have a duvolle in my hand. I want to feel awesome that i can run full proto every game. Right now there is no feeling of accomplishment in getting higher level gear. If the players are that bad then separate us good players buy letting us play on deeper levels. Also, try to actually get you skill matching system to work.
I thank you if you have read thus far....
great thread; i can't even do my own opinions as you hit the nail on the head for classes & weapons.
My one thing would be modules:
All around, make the use of advanced & proto better
ex: shield extenders - adv cost ~$3k, yet give only 11 shield more
id say make them 44; then proto 88 ; as u double the tier below you; as you are doubling the price of each