Too often I see so much bitching about the game complaints about nerfing this and that.Player vs Player counts.Glitchy maps.Terrain bugs.Bugs in general.Trust me I too have been in matched where the frame rate drops thru the floor.The last build and the complete inability to play more than 1 match (if Lucky)with out the invalid bug.QQ'ing about Tanks.Various cant forget about being able to throw Remote explosives.Cavity thukkers.Which Thukked your cavity.

Other various gimicky bullshit.Drop ship sniping.Redline sniping.OP sniper rifles.The CREO DRONE AR. AUR/versus ISK argument.ISK transfers on Si SI by EVE players.LAV spamming and running down people.Swarms and there stupidity.Firing Swarms at infantry.AV nade damage to infantry.VK0 hit point decrease.Missle turrets,Big and small.Strafing nerfs to scout...
Speculations.Can the PS3 handle the game.Can CCP handle the influx.When will the game be released.Will passive boosters be OP.Will it be pay 2 win or Free to play.Lots and lots of stuff.
But sitting here on the forums tonight got me thinking.That we have come along way at working on stuff.I do want this game to succeed I really do.I personally hold all the DEVS of this game and all CCP employees to provide and bring us the game that they said they would in interviews, and at there annual convention.They are working hard and I dont want them to stop and give up.I appreciate there efforts.I really do.Keep up the good work fellas.But this isnt a FAN BOI post its intent is not for that.I fully expect my post to be dissected and taken out of context by individuals with little or no reading comprehension.Alas I digress.
This is a thread about me being reflective and looking to the future at the big picture as I hope you the reader will too.We have all had to deal with massive changes to the game as far as nerfs.The farming by some that completely nullified the Logi class in pub matches.The fact that the 5 points dont work.There is a lot of work to be done.I cant say Im excited really.Thats not the sensation that I have.Its also not one of disappointment either.
Its the time beta testing is over and WE have worked out all the bugs.Those of us that stayed here...saw it through.Watched it grow.Will without a doubt in my mind.Be the most hardened, knowledgeable players in the game.We will be veterans of not 1 but many battles on many fields.Will have learned from our mistakes.I have played every class.Have learned its pros and cons.Its uses its faults.arranging my fits.When to go cheap.When not too.What will make me ISK,and spending to much...I already feel like a veteran.4 years from now when this game is on the PS4,and CCP is seeing revenue generated from it.We are fully integrated.Factional warfare.PVE.Nullsec DUST corps.Standing armies.1 million users.
I will be able to say to a newb when he belly aches about the difficulty of the game.Its complexity.I imagine my character standing on a warbarge looking out from the War room windows at a planet below.Half listening in a moment of reflection.My characters face.Marked from scars from a 1000 wars.Turning to him and saying."I was there at the beginning." "Nothing gambled,nothing gained". Putting on my helmet,(a rare salvage BPO or some no longer available for sale unobtainable past drop suit) and issuing the order."Prepare to disembark"
Though the game may hit ruff patches I will remain as committed to its success as CCP. I want to be there that day and remember this post.Remember my part in it.Because I was here,and so are patient.Learn,watch, listen.
Truly exciting times my friends.