I agree with pretty much all points here tbh, it's what I'm experiencing and it's also what I felt was needed to change. Basically nerf turret damage and nerf AV, correct?. This way you don't need to touch the tanks HP as it stands.
I totally agree that the resistances and hardeners are a bit out of wack. I don't really like the idea of only having one hardener as in the passive resistances current state, they're simply not worth bothering with on either armour or shield tanks. When they got nerfed previously I saw this and thought to myself that 20%,18% and 15% would've been alright, but they nerfed the crap out of them instead making more extenders the better option. There's also the fact that there's no armour hardener at all, leaving armour tanks without even more love.
Tanks need to be able to tank damage and shouldn't be one shot death machines. Not only is it pretty boring to one shot most infantry, but I'm now at a point where I one shot most tanks as well. I'm not sure about anyone else but I hate getting one shotted by cheap crap whilst running infantry. The same should apply to tank fights, there should at least be a bit of a scrap instead of who saw who first.
I'd like tanks to be total bullet magnets tbh, allowing the ground troops to do their job whilst the tank keeps a good number of guys busy. As it stands you don't need gunners at all to be effective and I can go around pretty much dominating and one shotting people left, right and centre.
I don't actually mind the finite ammo idea at all. I played Planetside for a good 3 years and I'm used to this mechanic. Tanks should have to leave the fight and reload tbh. Infantry has to, so should we. I'd like to see some sort of vehicle supply depot where we can change loadouts, whilst maintaining the same HP. This way you don't gain the exploit of swapping a damaged suit out like we see on infantry happening a lot. I feel this removes a much needed element from the game and that's dedicated logistics.
I'd also be more than happy letting my gunners gun and just give me the option to drive. It worked beautifully in Planetside and you ended up forming dedicated tank crews, spotting targets and calling out hazards. Maybe allow the driver to pan around the vehicles like when driving an LAV 3rd person so he can assess his position better.
Good post Tiel