DEADPOOL5241 wrote:So basically we divided ourselves into Console players and Evetards (aka Eve PC players).
Console players are given the unfair misnomer of being childish, immature, know nothing players. Which is not true, but the PC players only see PS3 players in one way, they presume to think that because they own a PC that makes them a better, more knowledgeable player then a console player.
Console players see Eve players, they assume because they are not on a console they have no gun game, that they are the ones who are dumbing down the game, they assume since Eve players have been kissing CCP dev ass for so long that CCP is only listening to them, again untrue.
Both of these are stereotypes that are untrue, many PC players own PS3, many PS3 players play not only Eve on PC but many other games.
A true gamer, a lifer if you will usually does both.
For 4 builds we have had certain speed in strafing and many players have become accustomed to the speed. This build CCP is testing out a slower speed, this is not based off of what Eve players are commenting on, this is based soley off what CCP thinks will work. You need to try and fail to learn something, they learned a lot from this build both good and bad. Now its up to CCP to make small adjustments to game off of feed back from us the testers.
But you the player, you start calling other players with a different opinion then you a Evetard, a Console player like its supposed to be a slanderous comment. So you are dividing the players up, because if you are a eve player you are going to defend yourselves in forums like this, but in the same respect the console players defend themselves. But really you are all gamers, you are all Dust players, does it matter on what platform you play your games on? Kitten NO!! so stop with the name calling, it makes us all look bad.
We all want a better game, but we differ on what that game is or is going to be. Is anyone right or wrong in all of these arguments, not really no. An opinion is just that an opinion, like ass***** we all have one.
What we need to do is find a middle ground, find a place where a majority of players agree is a good game. We are not there yet, obviously. But what are we the players doing, we resort to name calling each other and dividing ourselves into niches. That does nothing but cause strife and offers no solutions to any ones problems.
IMO your a fraking idiot if you resort to such things as console kiddies or evetards. You are making things worse by not seeing we are all gamers, we all love to play games no matter the platform.
Can't we all just get along.. (sorry had to say it)
just my .02 ISK for the day. Flame on!!