Ziraili The Merc wrote:Greetings Soldiers of New Eden!
As the time for our worlds to collide draws closer, the already well established EVE-alliance Yulai Federation, are looking for dedicated, elite ground soldiers to join our ranks. Once DUST goes live, you still wont be able to directly influence sovereignty warfare, but our goals arent those just a few days or weeks down the road. We are planning months ahead, in some aspects even years, and for that we are seeking strong, capable soldiers to help us accomplish those goals. You might think just months is too far off for you as a DUST merc, but we still encurage you to join us and give our alliance a try..
Yulai Federation (YF) is part of the NRDS Coalition [NCA], one that includes known alliances like Care Factor, TSOE Consortium, Silent Infinity, Sev3rance, Apocalypse Now., The Volition Cult ,4th District, Slumdogs, and the infamous CVA (2nd oldest alliance in the game!), total of more than 6500 capsuleers.
What do we expect from you as a DUST soldier? Nothing.. yet!
But we know that soon DUST is also going to influence how we control space in EVE, and for that we are already aiming to build up a solid defence & attack army of planet-side troopers. Initially, you will become part of the alliance, we will support you in any way we can, be it ISK, Orbital Striking or premade matchmaking.
We will first of all give access to a very solid Corporate Wallet, pretty much pouring ISK into your accounts to stay ahead of the curve and be the best that you can be.
We just want you to enlist in Yulai, to be in hard training, to hone your skills.. And for that we are also helping you set up corporate matches, giving you the chance to fight other organised elite teams out there so that you can become stronger, faster, more deadly, and plan the Yulai banners on all planets in New Eden! And we will do everything in our power to give you that chance!!
Once the changes take universal effect, you will be able to defend our current regions in space, and also be a part of the attacks claiming new Systems, Constellations and even Regions in time.
Do you want to know more?
Already got a EVE account? message Ziraili Onzo ingame.
Dont care about EVE? No worries, just send me a mail ingame (in DUST), or on this forum, and i will help you contact the correct recruitment officer for being part of this great, growing community.
Ziraili Onzo / Ziraili The Merc
Yulai Federation