I KNOW this a beta and i know we as dust players are thankful for being able to try out your game CCP..but there comes a major problem to me and alot of players that will,have,want to play this game all the time but might end up gone...now you change the SP for what? u say its for hardcore and casual? now that dumb u cant and shouldnt try that cause then u make the best game of 2012 and years to come a upsetting game and weak.. now lets say some kid get on and he never played any mmo games or any games where if u die there no respawn u think some ppl out in the video game world play socom? ghost recon? why not well cause they not used to a real life game that 1 shot to head u die gotta wait til next round so they rather play battlefield or call of duty now u ask me them games are WEAK and i hate for this to be just like them and seems like ccp dont know what to do... i just started playing this in september so i wasnt around for the first reset or how many yall had but i can say i started when the corp battle happen and we got millionSP bam that helped then got lvl4 everything just to get reset to play same game but new add on? if its a beta why reset so many times? this beta dont matter so a reset just made us players stop playing due to im not gonna stay up 2 days again or play dust 31 days straight for wat? so it can keep getting reset or ppl crying to make it more easy to play.... i hate seeing ppl on here crying about o the tanks,the dropships,the pay to win bullsh!t then ccp looks and trys to help the weak so they have a chance...NO thats why they weak cause they are.. u cant do this to this game just makes ur real die heart players hella mad.. cause yall trying to make it more easy for the non hardcore well its your game we testing out something ccp made not the gamers so if u allow ppl on here to cry and change your game then u end up with this sh!t just weak unplayable i mean i really be mad as **** to see yall change somehing cause some weak player cant kill someone so they cry and hope to get something changed and yall do it.....dont change nothin like yall did now i only been on since september so that build and the new stuff we got now = BEST DAMN GAME EVER...this build = WASTE OF ALL DIE HEARTED DUST PLAYERS.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change back to september and hey if this game tooo hard for some ppl fine ****em they go play call of duty or something.. hey i suck at eve now u think they give a **** about ppl that suck no just dont play the game... i just hope you dont let some lil kids who prolly shouldnt be on ps3 ruin something that is perfect.....

sorry for all my talking on here but im a real gamer and hate to see this happen to your game....