KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf wrote:EVE Online has drones, Dust will be getting drone enemies for PVE. However like EVE, drones can have useful applications for players.The purpose of this thread is to discuss ideas regarding what the role of drones should be in Dust. (I got the idea for this thread from Vermaak Doe)
One great application for drones would be as logistics helpers. For example:
Medic drone: Flies around, and revives people near the owner. Should require level 5 nanite inhector skills, drone command skills, and a specific medical drone skill.
Repair drone: Flies around, and repairs the armor of people near the owner. Should require level 5 repair tool skills, drone command skills, and a specific repair drone skill.
Combat drones would also be a possible application. Example:
Flying gunner drones that patrol a specific location where they are deployed. They should be fairly weak, and not that much of a threat (until they are at much higher tiers at least). They should be one for each faction; Caldari ones do kinetic damage, Gallente ones do thermal damage, Minmatar ones do explosive damage, and Amarr ones do These drones should require weaponry level 5, generalized drone skill, and a specific combat drone skill.
Dones could also be used for electronic warfare. Example:
Webifier drones to slow down enemies.
Drones that do target painting that increases signature of target to make them easily spotted, as well as flying above the player to spot enemies. Use your imagination to think up skill requirements.
Drones that jam sensors of nearby enemies. Would be great for hiding one's location from the rest of the enemy team while.
Personally, I would love to see drones integrated into some new weapons. For example:
Drone rifle: A long range rifle that fires explosive drone disks that the player must remote control to drive them to the target. Has great damage, and great range, but remote controlling the disk into an enemy puts the user at risk since he's no longer observing his own surroundings because the shooter is viewing in the camera perspective of the disk. The drones would also be really awesome for passively spotting enemies for one's team.
Drone launcher: A gun similar to the swarm launcher that launches flying circular drones to circle around, and do continuous damage to enemy infantry. The drones themselves would be be very powerful, but would be great as distractions, and support.
What do you guys think the role of drones should be in Dust? Discuss.