One quick addendum. For those folks who like this idea please help me keep the topic active/on the front page by posting here even if it's only a "+1".

Chromosome EDIT:The goal of this thread is to address proper Risk vs Reward
scaling of support action awards.
Properly this requires their progression arc parallel that of the "slayer" classes, rather than exceed or fall short. It also requires that the earnings potential be higher with use of higher quality gear as it is throughout the rest of D514 (rather than returns diminishing as better gear is used which is the current trend). This thread is NOT intended as "nerf X" or "buff Y" thread, it's intent is to address scaling as a proper game balance requires a baseline parity among all the classes on the macro level (Progression, Rewards, et al) while maintaining diversity/supremacy within the micro (specialization within a given battlefield role should still provide proper tactical advantage).
Tactical value is not interchangeable with
earnings value. Highly effective tactical actions should properly be supported with improved earnings potential. The War Point system should
not reward ineffective/non-tactical play over effective tactical play. Anything short of this creates confusion and frustration among many players especially those new to the game.
Quoted from within the thread in hopes that it clears some things up
(tl;dr version, this thread has nothing to do with leaderboard stats or personal gain).Cross Atu wrote:
ps ~ In case it matters I didn't post this thread due to struggling as a Logi, it's easy enough to "game the system" when you understand the mechanics and even without relying on that I've been able to place in the top 4-5 in the match pretty consistently. As it stands the current system actually benefits me because it allows me to run cheap/free fits all the time while earning more than if I used high meta gear, and it reduces my competition for those Logi points as I know (more or less) when to stop repping/reviving to avoid spending time on actions which earn me zero SP or ISK.
If I were motivated by self interest I wouldn't have posted this thread to begin with, but I'd feel like a real kitten if I ignored the hardships inflicted on other players just so I could score a few WP easier.
[Note: My "ps" is NOT meant to be calling anyone out or as a backhanded insult, it is simply a statement of my own reasoning and motivation provided because there's been some recurring confusion on the subject throughout this thread.]