Laurent Cazaderon wrote:I thought about something : In Eve Online, you have speed tanking. For those who don't know what it is, here's a short but obvious explanation.
Quite frequently, fights in EVE see people orbiting around their target to ease gun tracking of their turrets. During those fights, one thing is of great importance : The opposition between the speed of your target and the tracking speed of your turret.
Thus, some fights can be very disturbing. A very fast frigate can in the end take down a battleship as its turrets wont be able to follow it properly while the frigate can peacefully kill the battleship. But speed is not the only thing that matters, there's also dealing with the distance from wich you orbit the target. The closer you get, the harder it is for the turrets to track you.
So in EVE speed and movement is of great matter in the tactical approach of a fight. You can't just say "Hey got the big ship, big guns and massive HP amount, i'll screw anything muahahaha"
=> There is a a dynamic of movement in gun fights. Dodging and adapting to target's agility
=> Now, let's transpose that to Dust 514.
We have various speed depending on the suit you pick. A bit like frigates, cruiser, BS etc... But now, we have a strafe speed that's mostly equivalent for all of them and has been overall reduced.
Wich means that no matter who you're facing, your tracking skills (AIM) dont need to adapt to the mobility of the target. Except when it's running wich is not a problem as it cant fire while doing so. While in EVE a fast ship orbiting and changing the distance from where it's firing IS firing.
How does that make sense compared to EVE's mechanics ? This comparison is made for a reason. Because it's mostly EVE players who have trouble dealing with the movement of ennemies in Dust 514 that complained about "dancers". Completely obliterating the fact that those parameters exists in EVE.
Some will say that some suits can still flee a fight faster than others, but to me, this would be closer to alignment time and throttle to reach warp speed and flee from a solar system than actual "fight skill"
Other will say that it is now fighting clever and take cover. But that's not GunFight Dynamics to me. It's basic brain game and no matter how arcadey a game is, working with covers is ALWAYS required if you're at least a decent player. I dont remember playing like a crazy rush guy in previous dust build. And if running out of cover wasnt as punishing as it was supposed to be, it was all on hit detection flaws.
So, here is my conclusion. I couldnt understand CCP's choice regarding this major cut in gunfights gameplay but i couldnt find why. Then it hit me. Because it's basically in contradiction with EVE. Give us back Precursor strafe speed.