mongo flash wrote:This post made me giggle.
A few thing tho before u get you hole feet wet with kittens on eve players. I don't think you realize how big and how old and how organised the eve community is. You realize that people in eve have been stealing cheating and back stabing eachother for close to 10 years and you think that some group of fps twitchers are going to come on seen and show us something that hasn't already been done or thought of? At most you will be a pawn in an eve players plot to screw some other eve player. It will be a long long time before a dust Bunny is going to be able to effect eve in more than a feather ruffle.

Next point I remind you that he who controls the high ground... guess who has it and guess who doesn't. It will be hard to spit in the eye of that titan pilot that's sitting in a ship the size of New York that's in space when you are in your assault suit on the ground. Just saying.
Plus you would be amiss to think that the titan wielding alliance's are going to get mercs they don't know to do anything important for them. you would be sadly wrong. You realise that there are alliance's with thousands of members and allies right. You think they arnt going to have their own dust mercs?
Don't get me wrong I would love to read about a duster giving it to an eve player. Its a sand box and its this type of stuff that makes it fun. But I think you should aim alittle lower before you start shooting for the stars. So to speak.
I would agree with this except that Dust corps will be able to hold their own a pawn not so much. Plus another wise person says to not underestimate your opponents which it seems alot of EVE players are doing.
EVE is established, powerful, and knows what to expect in the current New Eden. EVE is not invincible, and as far as the EVE players getting into Dust, everyone has their style of play that they are best at FPS may not be theirs. FPS consolers have been waiting for a game of this caliber for quite some time and you may yet be surprised by what they can do when they get organized.
Also make no mistake, they ARE getting organized. EVE players should start seeking their alliances and mercenary contracts with the FPSers before they end up on the wrong side of their crosshairs. Dust may need to show some respect to EVE, but EVE needs to return that respect or they may not like the result. Dusters CAN build weapons to shoot down your beautiful ships.
"...titan wielding allainces are going to get mercs they don't know..." I see it happening, when your planets start falling to a different corp you're gonna want the best and quick...but wait you barely know them, they are just mercs can you trust them. As long as you pay the best you can.