Helius Aphelion wrote:Someone could only lag switch if the battle is being hosted on their console. But, this isn't COD; battles are hosted currently on the Serenity server. Meaning that it is impossible to lag switch.
< Rant >
This topic really "grinds my gears"

OP, you make a claim that you
can tell the difference between legitimate server lag and a lagswitch. Considering that the games are being hosted on CCP's dedicated server NOT a Peer-to-Peer system, a lagswitch to gain advantage is impossible. Technically, a server that is being grossly overworked as ours currently is, will indeed produce lag spikes that may seem like a lagswitch, although it is not.
I'll cut you some slack since at least you're crying "lagswitch" when there actually is some lag going on and just misunderstanding how lag actually works and misdiagnosing it.
To the players out there in every dedicated hosted FPS that get outplayed and immediately cry "lagswitch", quit your whining. Fact is, there's no lagswitch in play, you just aren't that good. OR there is an issue with the server and everyone is likely experiencing the same lag issues, not just you. OR
you're playing a beta that clearly tells you when you agree to play it that you will experience lag.
Before you go google "lagswitch" and try to make your own to prove it works, note:
Yes, it's possible you use a lagswitch on a dedicated server but guess what, you are the only person that is going to experience the lag. You'll be lucky if the server doesn't immediately disconnect you, especially with the current beta servers situation.If successful, while you're lagged out, you're character will be standing still in-game. The server will acknowledge people killing you but will not acknowledge anything you did while lagged out. When you flip your little magic switch back , you'll probably be dead, while anyone you shot while you were in your own little lag world won't be harmed at all. So by all means please use a lagswitch when you play against me. I love killing stationary targets.
< / Rant >
I feel much better now.
EDIT: To answer your question "can anything be done about it?": Yes. When the game moves over to its final home on, i believe the Tranquility servers, the large majority of lag issues should go away. @$%! still happens from time to time and you may encounter lag of some kind just like any game can, but it should be nearly non-existant.