DENILE ICOGNITO wrote:NO SIR MR DEADPOOL!!! I am not king of ps3 users if u really listen to my tone im saying that not one gm or dev has commented to me about this and i seem to be the only person with this type of situation. I have perused the forum b4 this started happening so i dint post a thread that was redundant...... so now that thats clear, I have played a mmorg. I played MH for that matter. However, the bugs i expect the freezing maybe lost merchandise even characters. Its the silence. If the gm or devs are all eye seeing then a simple we know about this one or ur the fisrt pls explain what happend will do. Can we move on i think i have made them aware of this problem. oh i dont live vicarously through u so ur experiecnces with this company has no meaning to me. All i wanna see is this game launch and I will pay as much as i weigh for yrs to come. So ur finger pointing for my choice of expressing my frustration is truly outlandish, with that Sir i wish u well

oh actually ive been around for 13 days not a few a few is 3

and this issue i have started friday i didnt post it till monday.

First its Dead, DP or Deadpool not Mr. Deadpool. so :P
You're mad because a dev or gm has not responded to your silly posts, which were poorly written and had very little, if any information about the issues. CCP knows about the problems, they are actively trying to fix them as best and as fast as they can.
I have not played for 2 days because of the invalid fits and other issues, but I don't act like a 5 yr old that dropped his ice cream and wants mommy and daddy to fix it.
Oooh you played an MMORPG before, good for you.. who the kitten cares kid. None of us do, neither does CCP.
WTF is MH btw?
So you're ok with the issues of the beta, but you are crying like a little girl because CCP won't comment back to you about the issues we ALL have. For the love of Power Girls Giant boobs, grow the kitten up already.
You honestly think a GM or Dev will post on your threads that only whine and *****, you have a very unrealistic view of the gaming world.
13 days, we have been here for months if not a year of playing many, many builds of this beta. You came at a very bad time with all of the BS going on, but most if not all of this will be fixed in the next two weeks when we go from SiSi to TQ server. See Sisi was built to be able to hold 20-400 players at one time. Currently with all of you PS+ players coming in, its more like 2000 to 3000 players, so yes there is going to be huge issues. Again that gets fixed in two weeks with new build and new server.
Basically what I am saying, is grow the kitten up you immature sniveling little turd. Its beta and they are trying to fix it. I personally hope CCP does see your thread and decides because of it, to NEVER, EVER, EVER respond to you or players like you.