Athene Alland
Red Fox Brigade
Posted - 2012.09.03 13:05:00 -
[1] - Quote
GǣI thought problem had been eradicatedGǪGǥ scowled the Commander, looking down at the bespectacled Scientist nervously attempting to stand to attention beside him.
GÇ£Apologies Sir,GÇ¥ replied the smaller man looking to the floor with a wince, GÇ£It seems the corrupt data is more deeply woven into the technology than we previously thought.GÇ¥
The object holding their attention was the limp and naked body of a Templar, the neat hole in his cranium testament to his sudden execution. Sprawled in what was his own quarters, the cooling corpse was surrounded by chaos, chairs and tables smashed to splinters, tatters of bedclothes strewn across the room, and malfunctioning monitor screens throwing flickering light around the darkened room. Obvious amongst all the destruction was the strange spiky script; written anywhere it could be, hastily scrawled on every surface in the deep crimson of the ImmortalGÇÖs blood.
Neither of the two Ammari looking on could even recognise the letters of this disturbingly alien language. If the bloody glyphs even had a meaning, whatever it was, the Templar must have been scrawling them obsessively for hours before being discovered. Loosing such a large volume of blood would have killed the average human, but then these warriors were far from average, and for that matter, they were barely human.
GÇ£Were there any warning signs?GÇ¥ the commander asked,
GÇ£Mild distracted behaviour in the last few days, but nothing significant.GÇ¥ replied the Scientist, referring to the datapad in his hand. GÇ£It seems the symptoms appeared suddenly and escalated quickly.GÇ¥
GÇ£Hmmm,GÇ¥ the Commander paused for a moment, GÇ£OK, have his template boxed with the others, get this corpse to the labs for study and remove any evidence that this ever happened.GÇ¥
GÇ£Yes Sir,GÇ¥ The Scientist answered curtly as he made notes on his pad.
The Commander turned as he went to leave, GÇ£Oh and if any others begin to show symptoms, box them immediately.GÇ¥ he ordered with a dismissive gesture of his hand.
As he walked away, heading through the bowels of the Warbarge, the Commander contemplated this recent situation. Having his armed forces crippled by GÇÿtechnical difficultiesGÇÖ was intolerable, but it was not the worst thing bothering the senior Ammari. The old warrior found it hard to admit he felt fear, even to himself, for he was very worried, because the most disturbing thing to him in what he had just witnessed was also the most familiar. He had seen it amongst the illegible scrawls of the mad clone, the same as with every other GÇÿincidentGÇÖ on the project. Those curious numbers that even the brightest minds of the Empire had yet to make sense of, mingled amongst the gibberish over, and over againGǪ
5 1 4.
- 'Ad Mortis Nos Tripudio' - |

Athene Alland
Red Fox Brigade
Posted - 2012.09.12 16:58:00 -
[3] - Quote
Sorry to bring this to the fore again, but I found this and it seemed to fit the story, So, it will do for now until something from the right game can be found, lol
Thanks for all the positive feedback,
I'll see what I can do about more 
- 'Ad Mortis Nos Tripudio' - |