Leither Yiltron
Posted - 2012.09.01 20:48:00 -
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During the IRC discussion last night, Grideris decided to put the IRC into "voiced only" mode. That means only he got to choose which questions were asked during the discussion with the developers. There is no CCP oversight on the matter.
Grideris is a good guy. He made a site that's mostly dead now, and has been for a long while. He cares about Dust.
The problem is, he's not actually representative of the Dust player base. There were no elections, no appointments, and CCP certainly doesn't have any stipulations for him about the IRC chat. He was an Eve player. He doesn't represent any of the big Eve alliances, though. The guy didn't even have a PlayStation 3 until after June of last year, when Dust was announced as PS3 exclusive. That means he's not representative of the FPS gaming community either.
Yet he sits with a direct line to the devs, and he wants to claim to be your representative. Did you vote for him? No. Does he represent you in any capacity? Probably not. You don't even know the guy, and I don't even know the guy. His biggest claim to fame is that he has sat around and bothered CCP for a very long time about Dust.
The service Grid provides is great, but it's inherently biased. It has gone to his head, too. The emphasis in this private conversation I had with Grid in the IRC is mine.
Private Conversation wrote: Leither:I would like to chat. That you blocked people from talking in the best forum we have for direct discussion with CCP devs is preposterous. Grideris:The reason the channel is moderated is becuase otherwise everyone would bombard them with questions. But I can pass on thoughts/questions for you Leither:You aren't representative of the Dust community. Grideris:No problem there. ... You have no idea... Leither:Errr, I actually do. You are hand-picking the dicussion purely to fit your own arbitrary opinions on the matter. Isn't this a community channel? Grideris:It is. But I own it. See the ~ ? Leither:I'm very well aware. Grideris:What is your question though. I'll be happy to post it. Leither:So you're saying that because you own the channel, you have the right to prevent other members of the Dust community from using the best resource they know of for talking to the CCP devs? Grideris:Technically, the best resource is the forums. Leither:Surely there are other options. You have slow mode, correct? Grideris:Not here. Leither:Naturally. If you want to have a private conversation with the devs here, have it. Grideris:But seriously, what is your question? Or thought or what ever it is you want to say? ?? Leither:I won't use you as a filter. I'm entitled to equal ability to communicate with the devs. Grideris:And you'll get it once they've wrapped this up. One question at a time.
Grid thinks because he owns the IRC, he owns the right to representing a community with whom he has no real connection. He wants to be your mouthpiece to CCP. That's preposterous though, because he represents a TINY minority of the Dust player base. There are much bigger organizations which are far more representative that don't enjoy such a luxury.
The bottom line is that the IRC is a great service, but there has to be CCP oversight. It is an inherently flawed mechanic to allow uninhibited ownership of what is a community asset in the hands of a biased community member. And in the end, the forums have to be the primary method of communication with the community because the community is here, on the forums, not in IRC. |

Leither Yiltron
Posted - 2012.09.01 21:16:00 -
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I'm sure everyone's very appreciative, but that doesn't give Grid license to controlling how the community uses the channel to interact with CCP.
If he wants to provide a community service, that's great. But CCP still needs oversight and a set of very strict rules, or else they're going to find themselves with a very biased sort of feedback. In fact, they already have.
Did you know it has been six days since he last updated the IRC list? I'll gladly put in the work to add a handful of names to a list more often than once every six days. Before that it didn't get an update for 9 days. And yet he was on the channel pretty consistently. Check here. https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=22699&p=15
Grid's efforts are fantastic, but misguided. CCP must demand that every method of communicating with them is fair and equitable. As it stands, it is not, and this thread stands as a testament to just how broken the current system has been. |