KripnawtiQ Prime wrote:Isn't everybody a 'random' at some point or another? Tactical shooters can deffinately be frustrating when playing with people uve never played with before but there are a lot of great gamers out there.
if they're running around in circles dying and not coordinated at all.. they're a random. if there camping in the mountains and getting 0/5 every game.. they're a random.
i will sometimes cry out
"look out guys, this enemy team is not 'randoms'!" and I will also call out,
"this 'blue' is not a random guys, lets put that 'blue' on our waiting list!" sometimes they accept our squad invite when a spot opens up.. if they don't, we move on with our lives..
but for the last week %90 of the time the blues have been randoms, and it's not worth the headache of having to listen to their random crap on our mics
not only that but you risk getting a comms bug if you switch chat channels from squad to team in the middle of a match.. it's just not worth it to me and my squads to deal with..
sry if that offends ppl,
actually i'm not it just makes me sound nice
and Krip Prime, if you're tired of running with randoms and wanna try out one of our squads you're welcome to. if you don't like it we don't harass you for leaving it like some are known to do (lust4dust) we just go on with our lives and wish you the best after you leave our squad and hope you are mature enough to handle rejection (we care more about your attitude and mic etiquette than your score/KDR)
we're not a corp, just a bunch of random guys who have added each other to contacts because we're tired of playing with bad randoms and getting 1 out of 5 games maybe that don't suck..
and we're also tired of elitists who fail to drop uplinks and insist on random spawning or who flex their epeens to us on random team games.. so we have decided to boycott it all and form our own squads, if that makes us bad guys or bad players then i guess we are, but we do things our own way despite the unwritten rules.
the term random is not meant as a derogratory it's just the term we use to describe the player on the field who is not coordinated and is not worth the risk for us to stretch our necks out to, they'll just despawn anyway if we try to revive them or take off sprinting when we try to repair them. their failure to play as a team is not worth it to us.