Who or what Soki is shouldnGÇÖt be the least of your concerns, you will see little mention of who or what they are in New Eden if you tried looking, they don't exist as a corp., they donGÇÖt have a forum, they certainly donGÇÖt have a kill board, and they can certainly destroy most corporations when in the mood without firing a single shot and worst of all they don't leave calling cards or brag about doing specifc jobs.
Adding to that, this is the last official Soki statement to be made from this vessel. This vessel was compromised and is being punished for such. Should Soki believe it is in their best interest to contact you or your clan directly for its survival another vessel will be made available for that specific task and never again. This vessel is also restricted from answering questions specifically concerning this matter but is allowed to give broad answers to allow for best flexibility and test of your own intelligence to formulate how best fit the answer to your needs.
None the less the main concern especially those outside of New Eden migrating in is the disturbing number of spies already trying to get recruited and alliance agents and counter intelligence groups buzzing with orders to infiltrate as many dust 514 interested organizations as possible.
Treat all new clan members from other games in the last 4 months with suspect, especially any new members that joined when your organization first started showing interest for Dust 514. Monitor their behavior closely as itGÇÖs the farthest back the 'buzz' has been heard. It is possible bolder individuals have implanted themselves up to two years before, strong MAG clans are likely target victims from that time.
Start officially appointing Counter Intelligence Officers.
Start Drafting Counter Intelligence Doctrines.
Start drafting stricter recruiting requirements outside the normal kill efficiency.
39 minutes

Be paranoid of who you give control of your corporationGÇÖs assets to. This includes web presence of any sort; speak servers, even recruiting outlets and leadership positions. It would not surprise Soki if some of the second in charge are agents working against your clan.
Learn how to spot 'suspicious' activity in a corporation member.
Trim out the trash, anyone on long absence of leave without reason should be removed.
Those that give excuses should be monitored closely as well.
Finally begin your own intelligence program to preempt strike back before the game even launches.
Those who embrace the nine tales of Soki will be the bane of anyone not deserving to continue. To those who have yet experienced what it is like to wake up only to lose everything you ever did, there is no greater breaking point for a corporation than to shatter a corporation into thousands of pieces and not a single bullet, missile, ship, armada, army, or number of skill points could have stopped it, and knowing it as you helplessly watch it all get torn apart.
It can happen, it will happen expect it to happen, prepare, preplan, preempt.
There is a reason why this video exists
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGplrpWvz0IDon't think too long about it and start thinking how to save your clan starting now.
You're already 300+ confirmed ID'd agents behind and thatGÇÖs usually a small fraction of actual headcounts.
If you want a simple test on how to rate yourself on getting counter intelligence give yourself 1 hr to find out this character's Eve Online counter part. All the information you need is contained in this post.