Kazeno Rannaa
Seraphim Initiative. CRONOS.
Posted - 2012.07.29 16:52:00 -
[1] - Quote
If I didn't know better, I'd almost suspect we're not playing the final release version of the game... OH WAIT.[/quote]Obama DAT wrote:WORK IN PROGRESS CLAP ClAP CLAP YES! 'clap clap clap' yourselves for reacting emotionally like butthurt fanboys and ignoring my point, instead jumping straight to the "but it's still in testing derp!" response.
Even BEFORE you get to the beta testing stage, the seriously terrible gameplay would've been ringing alarm bells in ANYONE who had any decent experience with FPSs in the alpha stage. I know what beta is, and by the beta stage they know exactly what they're doing, so to see such terrible gameplay mechanics at this stage of development either means they either have no faith in their product or they'll just slaving away to break into the FPS market to supplement their EVE universe. It honestly makes no sense how it can be this bad at this later stage of development.
EnglishSnake wrote:Graphics make a game good? lolno look at BF3 and that pile of shite which is constantly getting patched and made worse where its a twitch shooter to the max and everything else is made of paper Yes BF3 does have a shitload of problems, but despite that at least the gameplay overall is SOLID and performs well, both on an infantry and vehicle aspect.
Sha Kharn Clone wrote:Its the only FPS I gotz so I have nothing to compare it too but I'm loving it and cant wait till we have those long running skirmish maps that roll on from one objective to the next. THIS is a perfect example of how I said in my first post that only the players with the absolute lowest of standards will be the ones still playing this in the long term, because they simply wouldn't know any better or just don't have any standards.
Seriously, stop taking this offensively, listen objectively, I'm trying to make a valid point that if taken seriously might improve the game. I'm not here to hurl random insults and mindless abuse, I do not troll.[/quote]
@ Vikx : Your last sentence seems contradictory to the actual message that is being hurled by you. Funny. Do you ever listen to yourself with out having a bunch of "yes-men" around you stroking your pecker?
If you don't like what is being presented, then why do you persist in 1) playing the beta if it is SO BAD, 2) even continue to post on the forums, 3) continue to annoy those of us that actually enjoy the game, its complexity, and the available life span that it is so clearly displaying to us. Freedom of choice ids an amazing thing. You can CHOOSE to be apart of it, or you can CHOOSE NOT TO. So make a choice.
Personally, I have my issues with the game play, and I am no rooky to FPS's. I have been playing them probably before you were even born, beginning with the original Doom and Wolfenstein (circa 1986-1988). I have more hours logged into FPS's than I did in the military (5 years in the Army). I will not disagree with the fact that the game is not perfect, YET. Then again , from my conversations with EVE players, neither was EVE in it's infancy. Yet, unlike BF3, BFBC2, COD, or any of those other money pits, this will have a life span of several years, if not decades, due to CCP's drive to continuously evolve, grow, and improve their products along with the experience that is being provided to their communities. This is very different than the mentality behind Activision, Electronic Arts, and every other developer out there that is just trying to sell a single run game, minimize support, and maximize profits (i.e., they don't give a sh*t about their communities except for pillaging them).
AGAIN, if you don't like it, get off our NUTS. IF you want to be a constructive member of this community, be exactly that, constructive.
Expectations are very much like assumptions: they are those actions that become the birthing place of all f*ckups and issues. Or as my grand mother and father would say, they are like opinions; they are like as*holes, everyone has one and they ALL STINK> Every time you have an expectation or you assume anything, you are bound to be disappointed. So try hard not to do either. It would be better for the heart.
I should know because even I continue to have my hopes about this game and it's mechanics (expectations and assumptions) and I have moments that I am very disappointed (MY OWN FAULT, not just the sole fault of CCP). This is their first FPS, and I have to say they are doing a great job considering this fact and the idea that they want to produce a lasting experience that is part of an even larger universe.
That is sure as sh*t a hell of a lot more than the previously mentioned developers have ever tried to do, let alone accomplish.