Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.07.29 13:18:00 -
[1] - Quote
First off you have time zones, and time differences. Also not everyone from EVE Online, or those who later got a pass, or even those of us purchased the mercenary pack on PSN are going to be able to get online whenever we want. I was able to play during that time, but so what? You still have to account for everyday life, and other variables. To note that is usually a time when most people are either heading out for the evening, starting to get ready for dinner, or just getting home from usually work. Also having a solid thousand plus on any given moment with who knows how many individual ID's logging on and rotating is astounding for a [beta] that is actually in closed testing. The stress test was a success. Stop and think people before you speak. It also proved though that CCP needs to work on some server side issues. Unless the next build has better resource managment. The lag at peak was increasingly getting worse, and Dust client issues were becoming issues for a lot of people. Myself included.
Seriously though. A solid thousand on with -- "X" -- number of rotating individual ID's in between is amazing when if only ten thousand people can only access the [beta]. Seriously some of you need to curt-tail your expactations. Let me explain though. Here is an example: Call of Duty -- Insert title -- sells "X" number of units in millions in the first month. You still will never see even a million of those units on at once even given that they sold, and are out there, and playing at once even knowing that on one platform alone you may have millions of units sold. Variables. You have to account for them, and unfortuntly life is fickle. The smallest number to have to account for are those who got bored, or those whom thought this title would be to their liking, but ended up not being as such.
So yes, the stress test was a sucess. Even with only a thousand plus of us on. |
Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.07.29 14:09:00 -
[3] - Quote
ReGnUm DEl wrote:Rorek IronBlood wrote:First off you have time zones, and time differences. Also not everyone from EVE Online, or those who later got a pass, or even those of us purchased the mercenary pack on PSN are going to be able to get online whenever we want. I was able to play during that time, but so what? You still have to account for everyday life, and other variables. To note that is usually a time when most people are either heading out for the evening, starting to get ready for dinner, or just getting home from usually work. Also having a solid thousand plus on any given moment with who knows how many individual ID's logging on and rotating is astounding for a [beta] that is actually in closed testing. The stress test was a success. Stop and think people before you speak. It also proved though that CCP needs to work on some server side issues. Unless the next build has better resource managment. The lag at peak was increasingly getting worse, and Dust client issues were becoming issues for a lot of people. Myself included.
Seriously though. A solid thousand on with -- "X" -- number of rotating individual ID's in between is amazing when if only ten thousand people can only access the [beta]. Seriously some of you need to curt-tail your expactations. Let me explain though. Here is an example: Call of Duty -- Insert title -- sells "X" number of units in millions in the first month. You still will never see even a million of those units on at once even given that they sold, and are out there, and playing at once even knowing that on one platform alone you may have millions of units sold. Variables. You have to account for them, and unfortuntly life is fickle. The smallest number to have to account for are those who got bored, or those whom thought this title would be to their liking, but ended up not being as such.
So yes, the stress test was a sucess. Even with only a thousand plus of us on. You must be the Poster boy for EveTARDS Everywhere 1. 1000 people isnt good espically when CCP is advertising people to come play with free skill points 2. IT A STRESS TEST and 1000 ppl cannot stress DUST 514 with the # of severs we have 3. You have no stastics let alone proof of this account circulation, anyways, CPP was stressing the game play, so your point isnt even vaild
You ma'am are infentile ignoramus. Especially considering you do not seem to have even a basic understanding of just about anything. Calling me an EVEtard? Really?! Like I am hurt by that. Especially since I do not play EVE Online. Wow. Amazing. I'm so hurt. No, not really, but I am sure even sarcasm is beyond you. Fool.
First off though I'll explain this all again. A thousand people on at any given time during a closed [beta] is astounding. Especially considering the variables, and the fact this is only being played out on one platform. Secondly not everyone is going to be able to play video games twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. People have lives outside of video games, and not everyone wants to play them all the time. Then you have to account for a myriad of other variables in which range from tastes, knowledge, time & time zone, ect, ect.. In short you have a limited number of available people that can be logged onto Dust514 at any given time. However! You also have to account that time zones will play a part in this as well. Of course you also have people who may not enjoy the game, or want to play at that exact moment. Divided further you have those who had no idea of the event, do not have or want access to the forums, or community, and some who do not check their e-mails as frequent as you may like. Short and simple? You have an extremly small number of forumers in this community that know what is going on compared to the much larger majority who do not know what is going on. With that number ever dividing and growing seperate by variables.
The simple fact though that we had a thousand people logged onto Dust at any given time at that point with an recognized -- "X" -- number of individual ID's logging both on and off between that is amazing. Either your expectations are too high, or you fail to recognize the basics that not everyone is going to play just because. The stress was a success. It proved the servers need tweeking, and the Dust client itself needs work of it's own.
Seriously it's not my fault that the people's expectations were too high. I mean this build has been out for a month, and even some of the forumers here do not want to keep playing this very limited build. I'm sure most of us did not even get the chance to be on at that specific time. For one reason to another. If CCP was able to show us individual ID's that logged onto Dust throughout the day then that would be another, but they are not releasing that info, and we do not know. Personally the stress test in my opinion was a success.
People are quick to judge, and fly off the handle though for anything. Blowing things way out of proportion.
"Ignorance is bliss." |