Trevak Shi wrote:Really CCP,
Of all the bugs and issues that come along with a beta, I think a question we would all like to know is WHEN are all the rampant issues with the hit box/hit detection going to be fixed/addressed?
I bring this up in a separate topic once again due to the rampant issues and cost that come from it. This is inclusive of the incredible frustration that comes along with it, not to mention the number of people I see rage quitting due to the inconsistency of the hit detection mechanics. The beginning of the new build showed such promise and activation of new hit mechanics only to go to SH*T in a hand basket in no time. What happened? Did all the hot fixes screw it up?
I mean, how often must one hear the insufferable rants (which I can not mute YET) let alone the innumerable times I must get into a gun fight with OPFOR, be basically hugging and kissing them and I get 1-3 hit markers out of a magazine of 40-80 rounds. I mean really. It seems the closer I attempt to get the greater likelihood that I, for some reason, can not hit the broad side of a F*CKING barn. It is truly hurtful that this has YET to be resolved better.
If I shot like that in the military I deserved to be shot. Yet when I am looking at my cross hairs and they are at center mass, and I can't be more than 3 meters away and only 1-3 or maybe 5 hits in a full magazine (BTW- the clip thing is a bit annoying to read. We haven't used clips since WWII) is RIDICULOUS.
So please, please, for the sake of all that is holy and that will be DUST, FIX THIS ASAP!
Also there has been an ongoing issue with the market still doing endless loops. I have noticed it primarily happening when I attempt to purchase assault rifles of the advanced kind and my fav type II dropsuit.
We still call them clips because you load the magazines with clips of ammunition. Especially 5.56. It is military tradition. Hard for the old gods to change.
On the topic though, I haven't experienced this problem with anything but Blasters. Can't seem to hit anything with them even at point blank. Maybe you are suffering a latency issue that is underlying? I can understand the frustration but my group has never experienced the issue. I am sure lots will change next weekend. If the issue persists, I suggest a repost and a closer look at latency.