Raven Tesio
Liandri Hel-Jumpers Liandri Covenant
Posted - 2012.07.03 00:12:00 -
[1] - Quote
GÇó Tutorial - No the game shouldn't have a Tutorial, it should simply be more user-friendly. Look at EVE the tutorial has been improved several times (wasn't even there when I started playing), but it still barely helps players understand how the game works.
Frankly there shouldn't be a need for a tutorial, but instead just make the Skills and Fitting System better.
GÇó Contact Lists based on PSN & In-Game Name - Yes, and it likely will be added once corporations are. I do wish it was easier to add friends to the contact list (in-fact still haven't figured out how) but for now I'm not overly concerned.
GÇó Medics See Downed Team-mates - On the one hand, I agree this is desperately needed. Something else that is needed are people to bloody realise that Logistics = Medic. The number of times I've been next to someone about to pick them up, only for them to suicide and respawn frankly pisses me off to the point where I have given up trying.
GÇó Self Sufficiency ISK-wise - This is coming, in-fact there is a "Horde" mode where you fight waves of Drones as a small squad. Kinda like Horde or Firefight, etc... as a means of income. We will also be able (as Merc Corps) to own Low-Sec / Null-Sec Districts and turn them in to industrial areas. It is all SoonGäó
GÇó Option to turn off the point pop ups for greater immersion - Would be nice, but honestly I hate the whole SP for Feats mechanic. Would rather you earnt Loyalty Points instead for purchasing the AUR hardware.
GÇó After a battle, it needs to show you your net ISK gains: ISK gained minus ISK worth of items lost in battle. Would be very useful. - This would be useful not so much on the after game battle report (as they are fleeting) but instead as part of your Statistcs on your Character Sheet.
GÇó Points based on Damage Inflicted - I agree, the number of times I've done all of the damage to a target only for someone to shoot them once with a pistol ... Kill stealing pisses me off, for the simple fact that the person who finishes them is awarded more points. This is an issue is EVERY damn FPS, don't make DUST full of the same bullshit.
GÇó Allow reloading while running - Yes, just ******** how everything you do seems to break reloading.
GÇó Global Respawn Cooldown - While I do agree, the timer for respawn should be 10-15sec based against when you died / suicided rather than once you've selected class and spawn point. I think really right now there is too many choices before getting back to a fight... it should work similar to Battlefield 3, where you can choose to swap Loadout or Spawn Point; but if you don't you simply return exactly how you were.
GÇó screenshot feature - Couldn't care less about
GÇó Postgame scoreboard should show points - Again point towards Battlefield 3, they have very nice battle reports; Halo also has some very good multi-page reports that are quite interesting to scroll through.
GÇó There should be more chat options - Can't really comment, half the time can't get my headset to connect to the PS3 when I can the voices are horribly choppy so gave up trying. Frustrating as Xbox Live and Teamspeak have no issues like this. To be honest will likely end up using TeamSpeak to talk to EVE players at the same time without the horrible network latency issues that come with the PS3.
GÇó More flashy and visually explosive effects - Not really a major issue, to me the main problem is they seem quite flat and unimpressive next to the rest of the game. Mind I bloody hate how Grenades and Launchers work atm.
GÇó Dropsuit modules that deploys from a device on the hand or wrist. - If done right, sure this would be cool.
GÇó More exotic scifi weapons/equipment like the forge gun. - Would be far happier if all of the races had their weaponry in the game first.
GÇó Voice chat should be enabled BY DEFAULT. Communication is too important for voice chat to be set on off by default. - Not being able to hear your team without enabling Voice is annoying, mind again as above Voice on PSN is just horrible. This is a Sony issue not an issue with Vivox or CCP network code, unfortunately you get what you pay for in this respect; hopefully Sony will eventually learn that if they made PlayStation+ Mandatory for Online Gaming they would have the funds to improve the Server Network (Security and QoS) ... it is one of the main reasons most people are happy to pay for Xbox Live.
It is also the same reason why most EVE Corporations / Alliances own their own TeamSpeak, Mumble or Ventrillo Servers.
GÇó Have EVE Online space stations and ships be playable as maps through boarding. - Agreed. Stations / Ships are likely to happen down the line, but not until late 2013.
GÇó Knife should cancel reloading, sprint should cancel crouch, L1 to aim down sight should cancel sprint - There is more polish to be made with the movement and such, as it stands the knife frankly is useless even with the skills for it maxed. This isn't an issue for the most part in Battlefield 3 the Knife is useless too, but as is the case in Halo / BF3 ... these melee weapons work best as purely "sneak" assasination weapons. DUST imo should mimic this. |