Tronhadar Free Guard Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2012.06.29 15:00:00 -
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I adopt this thread as a home for my Feedback for the Move Support. :D Points commented below are based on assault spec, assault rifle use.
So Good Points first up: 1. Shooting from the hip is pretty good. Feels nice and responsive. Tracks well.. easily to see the targeting reticule without making it obnoxious. Doesn't interfere with the view. Couple clean lines.. good.
Bad/"Needs Attention": 1. When shooting from the hip, the gun needs to move around move.. If you are shooting at something that is obscured from sight by your gun the bullets magically fly towards them without your gun actually facing that way. It's a little odd.. and I found my targets getting lost from view.. relying on the targeting reticule lines going 'red' to let me know if I was shooting.
2. Iron Sights: Basically rework this whole thing. - You've gone for an implementation that *not* like Killzone 3 here. It is like MAG had for scopes and like Resistance 3 had for Iron Sights (before they patched the change in to fix that game..which they did in a broken way, but at least they tried). Breaking this down into feedback aspects: (2a) Hitting the Zoom/Iron Sights button will zoom in on the middle of the screen wherever your screen happens to be looking at.. *not* where your targeting reticule is. (2b) When zoomed in with Iron Sights, the Move implementation is different to how it is when you are shooting from the hip.. This is completely unworkable. It has to fundamentally operate under the same control scheme as shooting from the hip. Every game that has used the scoped/zoomed control scheme you've got at the moment is flawed, and unworkable. To explain what it is doing in words is a little difficult (see previous comparisons to MAG scoped (not iron sights) implementation, or Resistance 3 early version pre-patch) but I'll try in the interest of helping with feedback. You hit Iron Sights and the target point is dead centre.. Moving the move controller moves your whole screen view.. with the speed of your target point moving depending on how far from 0,0 you move. (2c) Following on from 2b, you also need to detach the screen from the move setup here. It is tied in with it (ie: you won't be able to change one without doing the other) but it is worth mentioning.
3. Sharpshooter reload support missing: I know so far you have only enabled move support. Perhaps sharpshooter features (button mapping/reload pump) are coming later. If so all good. But we will need to possibly support button re-mappings (always good!!). Hitting jump on a sharpshooter is really difficult while moving. Melee button.. You're going to get lots of requests for that. Seriously.. You will :D (Killzone 3 initially didn't' have one.. they added it pretty quickly). Circle is the one usually used for that. If you allow for custom button mapping, then you get to ignore the problems of overcoming such issues.
I'll leave it at those points for now.. I'm sure others will be providing good feedback on these aspects in the days to come.
It really does need to be fixed.. so I'm glad I get the chance to help with feedback on this aspect now, so it can be changed before go-Live. As it stands its pretty unusable beyond hip firing.
Killzone 3 is mentioned so often (by just about anyone interested in Move support) and there is a reason for it. It nailed this stuff.. No one is going to mind a rip off on that control scheme. It is (mostly) perfect.
I look forward to seeing the improvements at some point!
Cheers! |

Tronhadar Free Guard Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2012.06.29 23:44:00 -
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Cameron StarGazer wrote:I really really can't get on with the move.. first game after the updated I got totally destroyed, just doesn't feel natural and I can't get the calibration correct! do you get used to it?
Is this your first Move game you've tried? In general, using the Move (+ Sharpshooter optional) is definitely something you need to adjust to. It takes about 1-2 hours of correctly setup use to adjust and adapt (and then there is no looking back).
Now, if it is your first Move game.. I wouldn't use this game as one to use the Move with at this stage. It just isn't right yet. Pickup Killzone 3 and play around with it to get an idea of how this should be implemented (and it is a great game :D lots of fun).
You'll have to find out how you like the configuration to work. Deadzone sizes and stuff. The terminology (and what the changes mean in a graphical sense) can best be described by seeing how they are used in other games. Dust uses the terminology, but has no associated onscreen graphics to indicate what they mean in practice. (It is functional at this stage, not including the UI niceties).
You could also google for iwaggle3d to find the site that is great for various aspects of this in move supported games. Lots of good videos. In discussing a few different games and their Move implementation, the types of configuration that are needed are discussed with examples of how that impacts gameplay (albeit, in other games.. he wouldn't have a Dust one up of course).