Moorian Flav wrote:cmdr dunce wrote:crossout is the poor man's minecraft edition of mad max. if you're not the "minecraft" type and don't enjoy building stuff then you won't enjoy it past "meh". and the grind is unreal. it takes forever to get past "not noob" status.
Every F2P title has grind to it; even DUST did. I will say that the devs are looking into rebalancing Power Score ratings which I think is the main thing hindering new players. Not sure how many times I have tried to bring new players into Crossout where I use a starter blueprint with my newbie buddies to find we are against Epic weapons slapped on starter cabs.

BTW, to compare Crossout to Minecraft isn't even right. Even though the weld points are shown visually as squares, builds can take a lot of thought to put together. It is amazing what you can build and battle with. To me, Crossout takes fittings to the next level.
every video game longer than four minutes has grind to it. i am not ignorant of this. its when it becomes the main attraction (it took me like what, 15 hours to get enough scratch to buy weapons that were not the starter weapons) is when i get bored.
this game has more in common with minecraft than you realise. yes, it's not a building block game, but it is still a building game. not everyone wants to make their own crap, (though i like crap that i can customise) and the community blueprints don't usually have blueprint that work with early game, 99% of thouse blueprints have parts i don't have that are not tradeable.
the actual mad max game that this game was compared to is far better. not only that you can customise vehicles (without building them from scratch) it is a AAA game with AAA quality and it is not some early accesses buggy crap.which i notice that crossout has a few bugs that at times made the game unplayable for me. there was one bug that made turning have like a two second delay.
mad max has has a storyline, it is single player, and there is an acual open world you can drive around in. Mad Max is far better than crossout, (but i get it, crossout is not a bad game, whatever), but i was triggered when someone compared this game to mad max. especially when Mad Max the actual game actually exist and is better than this vehicular combat building game that seems a perfect candidate for Squeakers to play.