Silver Strike44
Posted - 2017.02.12 19:16:00 -
[1] - Quote
Mozai: Chris, hand me zat double quarter-pounder and zat lighter. Alias: What are you doing? Mozai: I'm going to burn zis hamburg. Alias: No, please! I'll do anything! Mozai: Listen to zis little bi tchwaffen cry, Chris. Chris: It's pretty funny, Pav. Mozai: Zat is Mr. Fun to you! Chris: Yes, Mr. Fun. Mozai: Now, lardneck, tell me vat I vant to know. Chris: Man, that's not the kind of nickname I wanted. Mozai: I vas not referring to you, imbecile! Chris: Oh, sorry, Pav. Mozai: Just go wait in the lounge! Chris: But I want to watch this nerd sweat. Mozai: Shut the fu ck up, Chris! Chris: Fine, I'll go, but I'm starting to think Mr. Fun isn't really so fun. Mozai: It is irony! It is not literal! Must I explain everything to you?! Alias: Can you just go back to torturing me? This is awful. Mozai: Ah, yes, ze fast food. Does it hurt seeing me hurt your precious hamburg. Alias: Actually, yeah. You guys can go back to arguing. Mozai: Well, zen, tell me vat I vant to know.
Pack: Man, those niggas really fu cked up this hood. Tex: Yeah, I wonder if there's anyone left in this town. Z: What about them? Gus: Holy sh it. They have a kid! Zatara: Please, take our child. Tex: How did you guys survive? Zatara: We locked our distric- I mean door and hid in this secret pocket. Devin: And I planted a bunch of remote explosives for protection and had a shotgun as a backup. Nobody was going to take my wife and child. Dagger: That's me. Zatara: So, please, take our child to a safer place. Dagger: I don't really like the look of these guys, mom, but if you think it's for the best I'll do it. DK: That's not even a child. He's older than half of us. Devin: He's still our little baby. Please. Gus: He's kid enough for me. Shep: We have enough neckbeards who live in their parents' basements. We don't need another one. Z: That's fu cked. We need to help them. DK: They seem like total FA ggots. I don't think we should help them out. Gus: Guys, they're just offering us a kid. Why is this even a debate? Neck: God, you really are a total fa g. Tex: We can't take him. It's out of the question. Gus: You can't stop true love!
Gustavo grabs the man-child. A shot rings out.
Z: Guys, help me! Shep: Keep your head down or you're going to bu ttfu cked a second time. Z: DK, you got to help me! DK: Dude, stop moving and shut up or you're going to go owen. Z: No, listen. I wrote this letter pretending to be an internet girl. I need you to send it to Neck. Neck: What did you say, ni gger? Z: Huh? Nothing. C'mon, DK, it'll be funny as ****. Air: Just shut up, bi tch boy. It's not that hawd!
Z starts to crawl back towards the group. Another shot rings out. Z gets fu cking rekt.
Kalash: Neck, did you just shoot him? Neck: Yeah, the first time. I was just going to let that baby-di ck bi tch-ni gger bleed out. Tex: So who shot him the second time. Air: Oi, it was Pack. Shep: Pack, why did you kill him? Pack: I saw where Neck shot that ni gga. He was suffering. Shep: So you knew it wasn't an enemy who shot him? Pack: Yeah, but like I said, that ni gga looked like he was in pain. Kalash: Aren't you the medic? Pack: Well, yeah, but what the fu ck was I supposed to do.That ni gga was finished. Tex: Maybe give him medical attention. DK: Yeah, do you have downs-tism? He only got shot in the foot. Pack: Aight, listen. I save the next one, OK? Shep: Lobotomized. Neck: You're probably going to be the next one, you fu cking re tarded sh it-fu ck. Pack: Oh, then I'll definitely try real hard to save the next one. Gus: So, we're taking the kid, right? Tex: Well, he's not really a kid and we do need someone to take Z's place, so sure. Z: You're going to make my baby a soldier? He barely has a million skill points. That doesn't sound any safer than here. Devin: Nah, it's pretty toxic around here. It's probably still for the best. Z: OK, dear, whatever you say. Tex: Stay safe now. DK: FA gs. Neck: Ni ggers. Dagger: Bye, Mom and Dad.
They continue on out of the city and deeper into enemy lines. They approach a clearing and spot some enemies.
Pack: Ay, Gs, I spy a few evil ni ggas up there. Tex: I see them, too. Here's what we're going to do: Kalash and I will go up the middle and lay down some fire. Shep, DK, and Neck will flank from the left and Gustavo, Pack, and Dagger will flank the right side. Air: Oi, what about me? Shep: Home point. Air: Blimey! Tex: Yeah, watch our backs, Destroyer. Let's move.
Tex: Hey, Kalash, you ever think ever but us is just supposed to repeat a select few words and phrases? Kalash: Holy Cow! Wow! Calculated. Tex: Yeah, it does seem calculated by somebody. We just seem to be here as voices of reason. Kalash: No way! Tex: No, really. Kalash: okay. Tex: It seems like we do the same job and we don't both even have to be here. Kalash: Siiiick! Tex: Well, it doesn't mean you can go home or anything. Kalash: Well played. Tex: Why are you talking like that? Kalash: My bad... Tex: It's fine. It's just a little weird. Kalash: Nice save! Tex: What I was saying was is if one of us died, it might not change much. Kalash: Savage! Tex: Yeah, that did sound a little harsh. Kalash: Take the shot! Tex: Right. Back to the matter at hand.
Gus: OK, Dagger, bend over. Dagger: What? Gus: Uh, get down, I mean. Don't want the enemies to see us. Dagger: Oh, yeah. Pack: Just a heads up, my ni gga. This other ni gga's tryna fu ck you. Prolly in the a ss. Gus: No! How many times do I have to say it? I only fu ck corpses. Dagger: I'm not a corpse silly. Gus: Not yet, but war is a dangerous place... Dagger: I guess it is. Pack: All I'm sayin is watch yo back, my ni gga. And by back I mean yo a sshole. Dagger: OK. Gus: Pack, you're looking mighty fine and close to death today. Pack: Nah, not today, my ni gga. I ain't gonna die next then Neck'll look like a damn foo!
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