BARAGAMOS wrote:Himiko Kuronaga wrote:
If someone actually gets angry enough, there is enough material for a false advertisement lawsuit on the grounds that Rouge claimed all meaningful progression would transfer during FF14. A lot of people invested heavily specifically for that reason.
5% would be a slap to the face. I imagine even 50% would.
The best way to fix this situation would be to take the amount of SP someone has now, and backload passive and active SP gain for them in the future so that they acquire SP at a rapid pace until its all caught up to its original amount. That way everyone starts off on even ground, but there is a clear advantage in progression for those who already invested heavily. If someone new wants to keep pace with them, they can invest in boosters.
Think of it like having triple omegas on all the time until you hit a certain amount of SP.
Start over. That's what happens in the real world.
Confirming IRL every time space mercenaries change style they burn all their stuff.
Lol, 'IRL dis happens'.
Expect vanity items, but seriously don't expect any kind of SP or Asset advantage. If this new game ever hits consumers it will be years from now. All those new players who discover the game will want the same starting point for everyone not a bunch of hyper accelerated vets beating on them and dominating whatever Planetary Conquest system the new game would have in place. This was a competitive FPS and you can assume the next would be as well. So, why would CCP want an elite group created right out of the gate that essentially disincentives a large portion of the market to want to purchase the product? Look at the new player environment here. There are multiple reasons for the lack of new players, but the number one reason they leave was because they could not compete. If you have any sort of open competition format like Planetary Conquest those neck beards that have a SP advantage will dominate that mode for years until they either kill the game or other neck beards catch up. That is not a scenario that either CCP wants as a business model or the players want as a game.
If the game is built in such a way that it can be dominated for 'years', there is a fundamental problem with the game design that is nothing to do with a handful of people having quicker SP gain. The design philosophy behind SP as a progression concept has to be wide rather than tall in anything 'competitive'.
Should the existence of high SP players at any stage be enough to wreck the game, then preventing there from being any at the start is just kicking the can down the road. After a year, there will be high SP veterans, and there will be incoming newbies. This is, apparently, the situation that must desperately be avoided at all costs including deleting everything people spent time and money on. How should that be resolved? Periodic wipes? No.
A healthy game must be able to have a vet population and a newbie population coexist. Demanding that we eliminate the vet population because otherwise there might be problems will accomplish nothing - if there are problems due to that, then there will be problems later on.
Do you think DUST started out in such a way that newbies were unable to compete? You yourself declare this to be the 'number one reason' behind newbies leaving. DUST started out on an even playing field. Everyone started out at 0 SP. Yet, by your own admission, we have this problem now that newbies can't compete with vets.
So balance things. Ensure that the newbies are always able to compete. Give them proper matchmaking until they're ready to enter the high brackets, etc. If this is done correctly, there's no harm in having vets exist. And vets will exist eventually, whether you have them at the start or not.
Ultimately, the only way carrying over some progression would damage the game is if the game was doomed to have those problems anyway.
Realize as well that if a true match making system is put in place there is no need for SP advantages in formats like the current Public Contracts, because in a game that is not free to play and designed to feed the WHALES, you will be playing only other people with the same advantages you have. So, sorry to break this to some of you, but the days of stomping are over. You will never be put in starter fit matches if an actual match making system is in place. As such many of the scrubs on here will find the next game a lot less satisfying to play. Simply grinding will not gain an advantage over those who play casually. So crying for SP is not even going to accomplish what many of whiners are hoping for.
And here we go off the deep end.

I suppose you were violated a few too many times by big bad vets and so you've decided to cry on the forums for some perceived retribution. Well, have fun with that.