I honestly should've done this a while ago, but I didn't, on account of I didn't want to. Now that we know that the servers are dying, now seems a good time to do it. Well, that and I'm bored.
I've met quite a few interesting folks on this game, and that is pretty much the reason I stayed on this game for so long. To all of my enemies and homies, I'd like to say it's been a fun ride, and now on to a few honorable mentions:
Radar: Read your little retirement ish thing you just made and I have to say one thing... there isn't nearly enough **** sucking for WhataguyTTU. I mean, he's whataguy! Go hard, go long,
get on that guy!Kubo: I'm still your #1 fan!!
WhataguyTTU/Zeke/Royalgiedro: Most fun memory ever came from hanging with these OH guys. I was flying in the sky in my derp, and them forging folk on top of it. The sad part, we redlined the enemy this way. Also, Radar didn't suck you off enough.
All the ADS pilots: I'm hoping that in the event that I return on PC, which may not happen, that I can finally schedule a dropship tournament.
Skelly: I wouldn't molest you if you paid me to......... I'd do it for free!

Roman: So in my fanfic that I never got around to finishing, I was thinking of making a fusion technique similar to the DBZ one, and then you'd fuse with Rampage to create a scrub so hardcore, your power level would reach beyond negative. This abomination to fighters would be called: Djinn Roman.
8213: Most people give you a lot of crap, myself included, but I like you personally. But then again, I tend to like a lot of people that everyone generally hates.
Ghost Kaisar: Can you explain to me the concept of hentai?! I don't understand it. How in God's name does some unattractive midget get multiple women of ANY caliber to totally want to bang him?! On top of that, why so many **** ones? And the boobs are too ******* huge! **** bean bag chairs, get some titt
Also, you should watch Ranma 1/2 if you haven't seen it yet. It's old, but quite nice, one of the few anime I'll watch.
Vadgerr: The amount of AV you've packed in you on my behalf is commendable. You're like a two dollar hooker, you're used to take poundings.
Moochie: Seriously, what ethnicity are you?! It's impossible to tell.
Well, I have more of you guys I'd like to give a special shout out to, but I have no wish to continue this thread.