I've read this kind of thread before, but I still thoroughly disagree with the suggestion.

The Starter Fit is the most modern update over the Militia-era suits that a player can be given at the beginning of the game, while still making sure to give her something "blank" enough that she can swap out fittings on in keeping with CCP's cardinal concept of the game: that YOU are as free as possible to make your own custom creations, completely on your own.
The Starter Suit was MEANT to represent your radical departure from whatever "team combat" game we've just finished. No more CoD or MoH or SOCOM structure. This new game is out there in Bold Land.
It's meant to be so weird, that CCP figured you'd have no choice but to get rid of your classic fps prejudices and traditions, and start with an open mind.
Some (only some) of us stopped fighting the game very early, stopped splattering our clone skulls into HMG-fire and against the oncoming HAVs in those overly-expensive advanced suits we kept grabbing for... and spent more and more time in the M-C studying our Starter Suits. Experimenting, reading from Beta Players, doing math... and saying "Ah-haaa! THIS variation works! All I need to do is train a bit more SP into Level 3 here and Level 2 there, and NOT waste my SP going level 5 over THERE. This works!!"
....But too many other players just blew passed Starter Suits (takes too long to understand what works, or never wanted to have to "learn" crap in a shooter game... just give me a hot gun!). Some of us tried to tell them they might be playing this game the "wrong way", but, okay they didn't listen. So even today, Starter Suits are the most wasted and neglected CORE tool by the players.
But, that's kind of the PLAYER'S fault, isn't it?

Not the suit.
It's unfortunate that even today, players refuse to get out of the fps-rut, with terms like "Loudouts", "noobs", "unlock", and "re-spawn", and unfortunate that many players swear up and down that there's really nothing different or new to learn about hacking this game.
But we shouldn't blame the training-equipment for not being used to learn... Right?

I learned a TON of math and proper-fit principles from Starter Suits. And I still keep TWO Starters in my M-C. (One suit for when I go squad-less in an FW, and one for building ISK in Skirmishes when I really need some quick.)
I could never have figured out how to build my spiffy custom DS-driver suit fit-outs, if I didn't have a Starter Suit to experiment on long before I could even unlock the suit I knew I needed. All my numbers-crunching and %-calcs were done with a mocked-out Starter Suit I kept on my Fittings Screen.
And from a (okay, girlish) POV, I can't stand the loud colors of your loadout-suits and Neo stuff. Long live those standard-stamped, nameless, non-specialized, GI-grunt Beginner suits. Always in fashion, and looking serious about combat. Not froo-froo couture...