5:35AM. Can't sleep =\
Found this thread.
Alright, so these are my goto albums when I'm painting, designing, or driving for long intervals:
Era VulgarasTo change pace,
HBS In Deep OwlEase into
Bowie R&F of Ziggy StardustBefore I slow down too much,
Faith No More Album of the Yearcapped of by the
White Stripes Get Behind Me, SatanI'm usually where I need to be by the end of that. but just in case....
Whale We Care for something fun
Gorillaz' self-titled
Gorillaz is great background noise when you just need to drone on without much distraction
To compete with your OP, I'd suggest
Gunther Tralala but I'm sure you saw that coming *cough*
Or 10 hours of
Mudkip.... which honestly, is a bit therapeutic after about 5 minutes.
<---- btw, I'm still listening to this now having previewed, edited, previewed, then bolded text. It's so relaxing!!!! wtf?!All the best to you and your backlog.
10:45 into Mudkip, and the sound seems to be shifting from "Mud-kip" to "Get-High"
Now, as I type, it sounds like "Get-Body"

...."Kill Body" wtf??

15:41 in and now they're telling me to "Kick Molly"
who is Molly?!

It's strange. At first, I was just a spectator listening to two Mudkips carry on in their casual Mudkip conversation. Now, however, I feel as though they are no longer speaking to each other, but to me directly. I find that my typing errors are increasing and I am spending more time correcting my mistakes. Perhaps it's the lack of sleep affecting my focus and coordination. Or the repeating Mudkip phrase having gone on now for 20:43 that is breaking down my concentration. Whatever the cause and effect relationship is, it is clear that they are trying to communicate with me now.
"My GiF".... is there meaning to this?! Their words transcend YouTube and call me out I type, words flow without consideration. Punctuation falls into place. It is becoming clearer.
"Run, Skip...." Yes. Run, Skip. Run away and hide from the suggestions of these two demons that I fear may overwhelm me.
When did the words change places with each other?It is now 6:19AM and I see that I've spent nearly an hour on this post---a post that was meant only to share a few precious artists and their albums. I hear trumpets in the background now. It reminds of the audible warning in Diablo 3 announcing the coming of Nemesis. Only higher pitched.
I wonder if there is a connection.I just clicked over to the browser tab still playing this YouTube clip and watched as their lifeless faces spoke their words one to the other. While the Mudkip on the right is still content in his attentions to his partner, the one on the left seems to be staring at
me ...with his blank, soulless eyes. His mouth opens and closes with such subtlety that his body does not move through his speech. And his stare remains unbroken. The other Mudkip's voice is beginning to fade into the background as the one dominant remaining voice continues to ask me,
"why?" ....I do not know, Mudkip. I just do not know.
33:49 and the left Mudkip seems to be commanding me to
"run."His voice is now all that I really hear. The seesaw of squeaky flutes are all out of snyc, now receding to a gentle, dissonant wave slowing my thoughts.
Why would he tell me to run?43:26----
I've lost 10 minutes. And I do not know what has happened since last I looked at the timer. I am feeling anxious now.
"Get Bloody"
i have to pee.