Lex DOCIEL wrote:If we think seriously about it, it would actually make much more sense to have tactical free-for-all, as it would be impossible to actually bet on a single mercenary while multiple corps and alliance could fight each other just above our head to make this tournament possible (or actually, this would make complete sense, and add value to the match itself).
Or, a FFA, up to 4 squads of 6 members against each other. This would makes more sense on a scale-point of view (and even THAT could be complicated enough).
Anyway, I would vote for a circle-shape spawn system, with random ''strategic'' objectives, i.e. a tank, a dropship, a tower, a bunker on top of the hill, ammo supplies... the list can be lengthy! :)
This way, any class could much more make sense on the battlefield, and this would add our beloved tactical side, that makes Dust, Dust. :P
Give this man cookies and milkshakes
All your thoughts and views straight up on point my friend

If it a free-roam free-for-all even if squad r to be set up at a bigger scale or bigger bet sizes I say friendly fire on and no point discounts,
or forget about squads this would allow the possibility for a buddy system, say your pinned down by a nasty sniper or a good range weapon and theres another guy, you'll have to pair up via proximity chat to take care of him then settle the score if needed
The tournaments can be held whenever since it could be initiated from downtine to downtime and the bets r red handed

as two corpmates can go toe-to-toe with this, I mean I've seen vs qsyns in fw and pubs alike soo it wouldn't be anything new,
the spawn system can be discussed much later
For this to interest different roles apart from slayers is as said before create places with attractive signature on the radar or an icon in the over view map tht point out a rare salvageable item tht u personally claim
BUTThis is the tricky part, sort of I suggest the modules to be usable by anyone but not links tho!!! Pretty much meaning hive r the ones tht can be used by all infantry tht r on (and u still get points for supplying people?!?! Maybe)
Each map could have up to 4 main outposts where you find the objectives in any skirmish but these sites would have to be bigger and equal in size and complexity so ppl dnt pile up in one spot with present instalations and supply Depots which are the only thing that you call a vehicle from and ull have to select a pre-set drop point out of 4 nearby one to the Depot so anyone can't just deploy and spam a tank...
Any further suggestions???