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Posted - 2015.12.14 16:19:00 -
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Those jack-holes that insist on riding in the left lane when it is clearly marked as "for passing only," with 10+ vehicles bottle-necked behind them. Those that cut you off or do some other idiotic maneuver risking the lives of everyone within a 3-car radius, then flip you off when you honk as if you're the ass. Those mamsy-pamsy safety laws that have crept into our political culture effectively preventing Darwinism by way of thinning the herd. I mean laws such as safety belts, motorcycle helmets, beating your child to the point of blacking out (I mean the parent blacking out from exhaustion, not the kid. F**K that brat). Idiots need to stop procreating. 
Oh. You meant in-game? Eh... I hate sniper hate. I hate tank vs. AV mentalities. Either side really. I hate logging off for any considerable amount of time only to realize you've completely forgot the meta and how to shoot a damn thing. I hate that daily login bonus doesn't just back up a day for the one you missed. Instead, you start over from 0 after a 30+ day login streak. I HATE spawn campers. I hate MORE those spawn campers that shoot you in the back for trying to turn a CRU. I hate buttermilk. I hate that the LEGION forum is a hollowed shell of its former self. Even though I pretty much hated everything that Frenchy said, he at least made posts. I hate post cliches like "INB4 whatever inane reference this mouth-breathing thinks is cute". I hate that noone gets my oh-so-subtle references in my ****-posts when I'm bored (thanks, Freshbrood Clan Strife for that thumbs-up, yesterday! you roxsox!) I hate that most threads end once I post. Seriously wtf? I'd say that 80% of my posts are the LAST posts in those threads. Do I smell funny?
But most of all (speaking of smelling funny), I hate those damned English Peas. OMG those things are horrble. When I was a kid at day care, I remember climbing up the ladder of the large slide. There was a wooden railed platform up top that kids could stand and wait their turn once they got up there. It could probably hold 7 kids or so. I'm talking 7 year olds. Anyway, it was my turn to slide so I sat down and positioned myself---I was pretty meticulous for a kid btw, but that's for another story. I was all ready to slide, but then I noticed a scent in the breeze that immobilized me. WTF was it? Hm. I didn't say "wtf" because 1) I was a kid and didn't know what f*** was for that context, and 2) the internet wouldn't exist for another 10 years or more from the point of time in which this memory was made for the slang "wtf" to exist yet. I'm just typing it now for emphasis. It's fun, moving between historical and narrative realities to explain things! So I caught the smell. I followed the nasty trail to my left, where I noticed that the girl behind me in line was standing too close to me. She had planted her stank-nasty sandal wearing funk-infested foot right next to me. And do you know what it smelled like? That's right. Muthafuggin English Peas. So from that point until even today and probably to my deathbed, any time I smell English Peas I think of her foot. And it takes all I got to not gag my balls out right then and there. Yeah, it's that violent of an upheaval. 
kitten bacon taco (nom)