Darth-Carbonite GIO wrote:I believe one of the reasons was to add an option for heavies/armor suits to clear the railings/steps that seem to thwart them at every turn.
Besides that, jumpacks have always been something the community has called for, (because obviously) and myos were the closest thing we could get to 'packs at the time.
Anyone that has perused the forums or trolled an in-game channel can see that myos are controversial to say the least. They've already been nerfed once, but there's a large percentage of the community that thinks CCP should do more.
They are very aware, and not a day goes by when we don't bring them up, but a final ruling has not yet been made.
For the love of everything holy.....
What do they need? It doesn't take an act of congress (because we all know congress is paid to do nothing). They need to make myos strictly melee, and.... now i know this is rocket science.... make the base jump height of ALL dropsuits reasonable enough to clear the 2 inch ledges.
Now if your heavy has 1300 armor....? C'mon now, don't expect to be able to JUMP anything. However, most reasonably fitted dropsuits should clear the 1.5 foot railing.

All that aside,
Darth Carbonite I want to thank you for doing the exact thing we voted you in to do! CPM2 as a whole has been a little more impressive than the CPM1. You in particular, I can tell has been bursting at the buttons to tell us everything lol! I appreciate you coming in here to help put out fires, and keep us patient.
I know even the CPM2 can't possibly read every single post, but it seems you guys are trying to feel the pulse of the community.
Any word from Sgt. Kirk? Been missing his Gallente mayhem vids, but we're representing in his absence all the same! Would love to know what his opinion is on the myos, and if there has been any significant progress with his efforts to make blaster turrets viable, specifically the small ones. May I suggest a change to their firing mechanics altogether...
Darth, there are alot of pilots out here waiting for an chance to get back airborne! Any hope for advanced/proto dropships in the future? I don't want to start hitting that issue in the forums ofcourse until you guys get what you're working on underway in-game, but they're feeling a little left hanging because us tankers are running Gv.0/Cv.0 all over.
I commend you guys on your efforts, and know that the entire CPM2 gets good scores on your next progress report from me!
Hoping the new servers are up after my next trip to the field and back. Really hoping this helps with the lag, and brings the different regions closer to fair competition! So tired of having the capabilities, but being rendered useless because my framerate slammed on breaks halfway through the match?!

Keep up the good work guys! We're ushering in a new era of gaming i'm sure of it. o7