CUSE TOWN333 wrote:Milita Mable wrote:How's your 1 and only district?
ok this clearly has nothing to do with the war. It seems you personally are a very butthurt little alt about AE and FA for some reason. Not sure what or how bad they stomped you but dam dude. Every PC vet and player has to recpect and give it up to the first AE and AE 2.0 as they were the top corp in the game when they were here. The first FA was all so a top powerhouse even if they were my enemy at the time. We had to assemble a crazy OP strike team just to take them out and even then it was tuff battles. Every PC player and corp over the years even enemys still had respect for our tuff opponents. As hated as Skill Of God and Last Hope was they had my upmost respect for how hard they fight. You have nothing to do with any war and are completely irrelevant to anything that has to do with PC. Everyone who was involved with this last war knows who won thats why no ones even really talking about it much. Wars now a days if you can even call them that are based solely on going in fighting a few battles to see who the dominate team is and after it slows down the top team usually gets bored and leaves the game. When i was in AE we were only there to fight OH because that was the only team that Could fight on the same lvl as AE. After OH lost the war PC for top ter players was pretty much over as Skill Of God was no match for AEs A team so players left and retired. If there comes to be a new dominate team in PC some day then im sure people would come back to fight it. Holding land really means nothing now i mean i could put a team together in a couple days and get to the be the largeist landholder in like 2 weeks easymode because there ain't no comp left in this game to stop it.

I know what he's after, and I've already told him why we aren't playing along.
After the war, they regrouped, re-organized, and wanted a second round.
FA and AE had their fill and moved on.
Now they're trying to bait us to come back because they want a chance of actually beating the TEAM not, just taking the districts.
Hence why I told them we aren't monkeys to dance around at your pleasure. You had your chance and blew it.
That's why he keeps bringing up districts. He still believes that we care about them, and wants to use that to bring us back to fight.
But we don't care, and we're not coming back anytime soon, especially not for some more Taco-Net fights that lag to high hell.