I kinda hoped this subject of auto-matchmaking would have faded into the distance by now.

The Devs tackled a number of controversial gaming subjects with Dust 514 with the Aim-Assist system and "Fittings instead of Roles" mindset. But I don't think the devs ever originally intended to give us match auto-equality help. Dust represented ultra-mercilessness for players trying to tackle battlefield obstacles.
From my perception, "matchmaking" was the bone CCP reluctantly conceded to throw us because it was starting to look like Dusters were never going to grow as strong and as combat-ingenious as EVE pilots.
We weren't supposed to need the "help".
If we were like the Eve-Online gamers, we WOULDN'T need the help.
GǪ.Even when I was being trodden and blocked by better players back when we didn't have Scotty, I still never wanted the "help", but hey, that's just me.
Many of us players have numerical (GǪ.or pro-statistical, or psuedo-supernatural, LOL) theories and explanations how "Scotty" works and why it is therefore broken, but the fact is, THANK the Lourde, CCP agreed with my warnings NOT to tell us what the matchmaker is actually matching.
Another fact is, it is only supposed to be there for you in Pub Contracts, and even then, be there for you a little. You're supposed to solve the rest of your problems the tactical human-fighting way. (Like the Eve-Online players do, getting butchered and butchered, and trying again, and cursing at each other when the plan didn't work, and spurring each other's morale over MIC when it looks like we're getting beaten, and tricking the opposition any darn way they can--that's the New Eden way!)
Only casual players and budding learners are supposed to hang around in Pub matches constantly.
The rest of us aren't supposed to make a home in Pubs expecting Scotty to give us super-balanced fights between mirror-image adversaries,GǪ and aren't supposed to be avoiding FW matches complaining that "those are too hard to win ".
We're supposed to forget about matchmaking by now, let the system linger in the background doing whatever tiny job it does for us in Pubs, until we develop resourceful skills of our own to take on FW matches without the "training wheels" anymore.
Dang those Eve-Online players!---their game is brutal, and they don't need training-wheels.
GǪ.Dust players are STILL asking for an even STRONGER matchmaker---because we need training-wheels perpetually. How humiliating.