DaBOMB dotCOM wrote:I couldn't help myself, and I had to respond to this.
This game, as well as many other games, I've found that male players are a majority, so of course it's a given that you will hear things and come across certain people. By no means am I saying that this is the norm in all games, or that all guys treat females the same, but its just something that's expected.
Enough for my intro, I'll cut to the chase. I read your entire post, and by no means do I appreciate you using the term "girl gamer", or how you've chosen to single out individuals and put them on blast. If you're here to play the game, play the game. Identifying yourself constantly as a female is something that you've done multiple times on the forums. Now I'm not saying that this is something that you shouldn't do. All I'm trying to get at is that you're really just bringing all this upon yourself.
Continuing on, myself, and many other females on this game, have encountered multiple situations which are similar to yours. I can't speak on everyone's behalf, but I know that if I'm being spoken to in a way that I don't appreciate, I'm intelligent enough to end the conversation.
I'm not pointing fingers at you, but you are partly to blame. If you don't appreciate when someone's flirting with you, spreading your pictures, calling you "cute", or speaking in any other manner which you have mentioned in your 20 page long post, tell them to cut it out, and I'm sure that they will.
Also, if you aren't mature enough to keep your private life to yourself, I suggest that you stop posting on the forums. If you aren't intelligent enough to recognize why people have certain ideas of you, read the content in all your posts. I'm sure that even a blind man would be able to see why.
Oh! I almost forgot! As for posting constantly about how "problematic" your life is on this game, I suggest that you consider spending your time elsewhere.
Oh! I almost forgot again! Since you really, truly love shaming others publicly (in simpler terms putting people on blast) I've made sure that my response revolves entirely around you, so you know how it feels to be utterly humiliated.
When Ratatti surpasses my like count, I'd like for my name to be changed to Captain Picard.