Vlad Rostok wrote:KILL3R H3LLH0UND wrote:Cesar Geronimo wrote:KILL3R H3LLH0UND wrote:As you all know (or at least most of you) I'm a closed beta vet (Mordu's Private Trials to be exact). I've had a ton of character since, and settled down with this one in 2014. I used to fly transports drop ships and a bunch of other things. I never cared about kills or WP, only about having fun. After years of stat-neglect, I've come to realize that I wish I tried even a little. My current KD is like 16k/14k (1.11 kdr) and a measly 2m WP. Sure, I've racked up 50M on this char (if I added all my old chars I'd be at 150m by now.
Anyways, no corp wants to take me in because my stats are bad. Sure, I pull a 3.5-7.0KD when I go try hard, but I never did, and now I'm more willing to. Nobody thinks I'm capable of it due to my lifetime stats. I used to be one of the best snipers & pilots in the game... Now I'm nothing. I don't even know anymore... Id rather be in a NPC corp then be in another dead PC corp, or one that absolutely sucks. *sigh* I gotta stop typing and go back to slaying for the event... (I started last night and only have another 165 to go)
Not even Dust University let you in? They let me in with a 0.68 K/D ratio at the time....
I mean none of the elitist PC corps like AE FA and a bunch of others.... *cough cough Dreis I hope you are reading this*
What's with the obsession with joining an "elitist" pc corp? Do you know any of their members? Is it the "prestige" of showing off the tags?
I mean what if you get in and it turns out to be an uncomfortable environment where you don't fit in? Why not join a group where everyone gets along, are friends and have common interests?
Most of these "elite" groups are intentionally exclusionary and resistant to allowing new people to break into the "inner circle". Not that it's completely unheard of but I'd be cautious about having to compromise your core self in order to gain acceptance.
Don't talk like you know us.
I got into FA from being in a nobody corp, and I haven't changed any of my core values since my time in here.
FA doesn't care about what you do or anything. All they care about is whether you can hold your own on the battlefield.
Hell, I'd even take a horrible stat recruit if they showed potential. Mentality is half the battle. I look for people with the "Knock me down and I'll hop right back up and sock you one" mentality.
Because no matter what, you WILL do badly in a PC one day. Hell, you might end up in a loss streak at sometime and lose all your districts.
I want people who are able and willing to say, "That was horrible, lets improve".