501st Headstrong wrote:And so: kinda as a memorial for myself
Favorite suit: Minmatar Scout
Lifetime KD: 2.06
Role: Speedhacker, Mascot
And to all my friends who kept me playing this game long past when I should have, and would have quit. Thank you. You are beyond awesome and I sincerely hope to link up again on the PS4 and we can have some great times again. You taught me not just about shooters, but so much more and it's hard to really believe it but I can take a lot of what I learned in Dust and apply it to the real world. Stay safe.
The List:
Dusty5678: My best mate, brother, Minja and ScoutBro, I remember when I first met you on your tanker alt lol, and you always asked me for isk. You still do lol. GGs and catch ya later buddy. Thx for teaching me about Cheeky Nandos
Regnier Feros: You are perhaps the most funny, yet strangely perverted person I have ever met. I'm sorry I corrupted you into using Proto all the time XD. I know you will be an awesome CEO at DMG.
Devillish Killzone: You are too awesome dude :) I'll always consider you one of my best mates. Try not to rage too hard however, it never helps :)
From Super Nerds:
Eris Ernaga- Dude you are the one who took a literal newbro under your wing, and taught me how to use cover, what the hell an Active Scanner was, and that being in a corp was vital to the success of a player. I will always thank you and call you my first teacher. :) Hope we can play again sometime
From Svatur Bjorn:
Spectre Status
Ensar Cael
Tomiki Wilki
Chaos Thamus
And more...
From The Unit514
Ghostt Shadows: Bruh, you rule. You are my second teacher haha. Made this game for me and it was a pleasure messing around with you and the crew. Thank you for training us in Svartur, and for all the great times since. I wish you luck homes.
Ace Boone- The Boone train never stops!!!!! Thx for teaching me the power of the Minmatar Scout Ace, and for being the first person to make me fear the Min Sentinel
XxCerebratexX- Bruh how is it you always survived with 31 armor? O.O hacks lol
Illusions Shadows
Gods Among Men:
John Shepherd III: OG man. Thx for a helluva ride. Sorry that I didn't let it die as you wanted...
Devin Xer
AP Grasshopper
C1oak Wolf R1d3r
Hakyou Brutor- Hakyiszzle
War Tig3r
Sir Dukey
TJ3- The Walking Repair Tool my man :)
My Gods Among Men: Thx for keeping me playing when everyone else moved on somewhere else.
Her Nibs
Dj Indepedence- Lol you still have it mispelled XD
Skull Wh1sper
Regnier Feros
Captial Acquistions: You boys stay up late lol, but that's when the fun really starts anyway :) Thx for taking me in Shep
Shepherd Grey
Destroyer Air
Nick Munson- Praise the pipes...
Arriane Stratos- Your laugh dude...lol
0uter.Heaven: Blitz, ZarZar...you guys made me wish I wish there for your corp in the old days...Thx for a truly phenomenal experience.
D3lta Blitzkrieg: Favorite FC, Rager, Cal Scout, you win it all. Caldari Steel all the way 07
Zaria Min Dier: #LongLiveQueenZaria
Radar: Thx for letting me be part of the team :) Hope I didn't disappoint.
Rexero: Dude lol All I can say...
XSaphir: You are literally the most racist person I ever met on the this game that I found funny and didn't dislike. Yes, even greater than Devillish Killzon and Shady Assassin lol
Omar Krup
Shurikan Iceeye: Keep the beard dude, it's savage
Quasar Storm: Proof that Canadians are badasses. No arguing...
Silent Cry
Moody- You're the reason I wanted to be a MinScout in PC. 07
Emperor Averse- You are way too accurate with that PLC. I'm calling Aimbot lol
XxGlobeFatherxX- MinGod lol
AndyAndio- Dust MVP 2013-Present :)
DeathSurround- QuackSurronds :)
Other Mentions, cause too many other corps:
Tread Loudly 2
Ghost Kaiser-Thx for the MinScout tips broski :)
XxBlazekinexX- Commandos for life
Aero Yass- Back when Amarr Commandoes were laughed at (Inb4 people say they still are)
Fire of Prometheus( See above)
Djinn Hellfire, Rampage, Loki, Marauder, Soul, Kujo
Demens Grimwulf- Your ArchDukes was the bane of my existence
Angel06Legion= MeowMeow
Shady Assassin- Jesus are you racist lol. But we had some awesome times XD. ggs
HC Rsol
Aramis Madrigal
KTM Duke
Shooter QC
Al the Destroyer- You are too awesome bro
Ian the Conquer
Dreis ShadowWeaver-Minjas for life
Dreis ShadowBeaver-Lolz
CCP Rattati's Alt( I WILL FIND YOU!!!!)
Judge Rhadamanthus
Zatara Rought
Southern Cowboy- You are the best troll...half the time I think you're serious...
And cause this is taken too long lol , a massive thank you too every person who has ever killed me, or I have squaded with. It's been a great two plus years, and I'll always compare Multiplayer games to Dust. Ggs. Headstrong out.
"Terrible thing to send a universe to certain doom... Fun though!"
CCP act like you care.