Kang Lo Directorate Gallente Federation
Posted - 2015.10.15 21:45:00 -
[1] - Quote
Hard call, Thor,... this is a really hard call. Great topic, by the way, so KUDOS. One of the CARDINAL features that sucked me into trying this game was its SOCIAL component. The game (like its parent, Eve-Online) was such a horror of a climb to get the hang of (even members of the Dev staff used to draw doodles of clone-characters cursing and hanging from dead trees),.. that you HAD to reach out to other players and band together with some kind of strategy and advice, just to reach the summit hand-in-hand.
I had never been in a PS3 game where MICs between complete strangers was off the charts in every Pub match. I had never been in games where players in their character costumes MEET up in a lobby room for 5 minutes before the match, and get to talk to each other (and plan something to help each other). I had never been in a game where you had personal mail account tucked INSIDE the darn game right along with you----you are NEVER outside of communication reach with another player...
...unless you WANT to be out of communication. Unless you want to NOT work with people. Unless you WANT to be non-social.
PS3 consolers just don't prefer to be true Team-social-co op participants, compared with how many who DO prefer it. (I do prefer it). That is their decision and their letdown. Two years ago, at least SOME of us tried using MIC in public (not just in private, established squading),... but it was too hard t get the public team to be receptive and join in, and eventually we gave up. Maybe we shouldn't have stopped trying, and that's our decision and out letdown.
Lots of observations really point to US letting this game down, way more than the game lets us down.
This CAN be fixed. But I bitterly agree with CCP's apparent attitude towards public MIC use, and publicly, socially strong team work: "this is YOUR game---you define your war, and YOU define your role in it." The argument that this should stay a wide open game that never forces us to be co-op and let's us play as "anti-social" as we CHOOSE, is an argument I endorse---even though I hate the choice most of us seem to keep making.
This is one problem WE made. We had (still have) a boat-load of communication tools and social gear in this game, made for that purpose by the Devs. WE need to fix it from OUR end, rather than ask the Devs to add anything new or redesign the feathers. Someone's got to have the guts to get back into the habit of trying to COMM and send network mail, and MIC publicly, and pull total strangers into a team-groove. I broke my boyfriend's headset long ago, but even that's a lame excuse... shame on me too that I abandoned MIC'ing.
I want to see us return to the earlier days when you heard 2 or 3 people in each match trying to call out enemy dangers or suggest which letter to blitz first. It was hard because of the % of players who had poor-minds and trash-talked over the public MIC,... but at least people TRIED. I miss those days of yelling and "somebody please start spawning at Charlie--need help at Charlie! They're moving on Charlie!"
Universe of good wishes for the 49, especially CCP Eterne...
No story can have life without writers and publishers.

Kang Lo Directorate Gallente Federation
Posted - 2015.10.16 14:50:00 -
[2] - Quote
jane stalin wrote:I don't squad up because I really suck at the game, Teamwork is not fun if you are a liability
NOooo, Jane--you, see? It's supposed to work the other way around. "Team" or Co-Op in Dust is supposed to give the player who thinks she sucks a safe niche in a group of fellow soldiers so that now someone is covering her back a little, another is shielding her left side a little, she gets more "assist kill" points as she intuitively shoots at people her mates are shooting at,... and she has time and chance to improve and practice, while she at least has added an extra eye and an extra grenade to their fighting strength.
Smart squads (not those elitist drips who kiss their gun every night), WANT new players to link up with them, because they know that 3 good players + one beginner can overrun and destroy a proto-Sentinel that the 3 good players alone kept failing to do. Even if it means the beginner and another get killed, your ASSISTANCE is the thing that turns the tide (that's why Dust gives you 25 WP assist-kill even after the red killed you first--ROCK ON!)
Dying is inevitable in a game like this---the intro-voice even says so. If I see you anywhere on the battlefield, Jane, I will invite you to one of my squads in a heartbeat. A lot of us WANT so-called "poor" players running with us---it takes them a while to stop looking down at their kill-rates and notice that they help us win and help us make kills we normally lose by a hair.
"Sucking" in Dust is supposed to be a reason TO be adopted by a squad, not to disqualify yourself from squading.
...At lest that's the way players were TRYING to make it work back around the release date...
Universe of good wishes for the 49, especially CCP Eterne...
No story can have life without writers and publishers.