Tendril Pulvereyes
Posted - 2015.09.25 16:46:00 -
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This is my 1st pub post on the Dust forums and probably will be my last. Since I don't like getting involved in public BS where every thread gets derailed and people spam post like Vahzz just to get erect from seeing their own name.
D4GG3R wrote: Go back to Yamah, I'm sure AEs backs are getting tired from carrying you around.
Summary of the whole thread.
Tri Stone wrote:Blaziken you used to be in TR not once did you utter a word of hate towards us but the minute you jump from corp to corp you suddenly despise TR Don't worry. He did the same thing when he left VF. His whole time there he was a yes-man clicking "like" on almost every single post me and 50 made. Now he's a yes-man at AE. He invited me to squad once and I called him a f@660t on mic after a pub for playing scrub tactics and he didn't have anything real to say back because he knew it was true. Then the same week he invites me to squad with CCP Archduke thinking it'd earn him brownie points with me.
XxBlazikenxX wrote:I'm broke though
Ahhh good point. And it wasn't that much, only 17 mil If you robbed VF for 17 mill and you're so "good" how are you broke?
XxBlazikenxX wrote:And all I see is a salty PC wannabe who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. You mean like you were over at VF? One of the many reasons VF flopped (which you even clicked like on my posts on why it flopped in corp forum there) was because of people like you, vahzz, sir raven, etc. who don't even have 1 role 100% full proto including ewar, etc., with director roles. Who did nothing for corp and didn't belong in the PCs. Then once in PC did nothing. You talk about PC wannabes when you're exactly that.
XxBlazikenxX wrote:Wrong, I'm the guy who keeps the team together and keeps the points blue How do you keep the points blue? I've played with and against Ari, Ramp and others in your corp before and you aren't 1% the player they are. You talk as if you're one of the top players in AE when the only reason you were let in was to help generate CP.

Tendril Pulvereyes
Posted - 2015.09.25 16:48:00 -
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XxBlazikenxX wrote:Like I said before, I was not there for any PCs in the past couple of days because real life has been kicking my sorry *** Out of all of the recent AE vids I've seen I've only seen you in one which was vs 0H. Where you made a forum post asking demens to "post the PC of us completely demolishing 0H". You talked like a big shot in that thread when the only thing you did the whole match was drop uplinks out by echo when Ramp asked you to. Did you personally demolish anyone in 0H? No, because you're riding the coat tails of others and couldn't kill a 0H 4th string player in a 1vs1 if you tried.
For someone so busy in real life you sure have a lot of time to post a million times here and other threads all over the war room/corp recruitment.
XxBlazikenxX wrote:I, unlike you, actually do put in work to get to where I am. One of the ways to become great is by stepping on the toes of the weaker, I don't care who I **** off, if you're in my way, I will come for you whether you like it, or not. Ali, Foreman, and Frasier didn't become great by TKOing scrubs.
XxBlazikenxX wrote:I hope I see you too on any PCs I'm in OH WAIT
I'm sorry, I forgot you don't PC because no one wants to field you, my bad If you think you're good because you sucked your way into a whole one AE PC then you're a moron. If you think you're special because you spammed on corp chat in VF/VF forums "RF2 with CCP Archduke" or "I had a squad with CCP Archduke" to try making people think you're cool then you're a moron. Archduke is reasonable and nice guy, but he's just a normal guy. No one realistically gives AF if you've had squad with him or not. I'm sure Archduke appreciates you being his number 1 fangirl though.
Stop trying to hype yourself up like you're some 1337 player. You talk trash about TR when even TR's scrubs can beat you in a 1vs1. You talk trash about 0H when you can't beat even their IH players in a 1vs1. There's default corp players who could beat you legit. You talk trash about my players (Nova) when I've punked you out on comms and in corp chat in VF to the point you didn't even say anything back half of the time... But you're calling TR p*ssies? I don't like TR, but you aren't good enough to buff their sack. You're trying to act like a prima donna like you're one of the top players in the game. Let alone top 3,000 in the game. When I was going over everyone's suits in VF you didn't even have 1 role completely maxed out. That's why it's hilarious you're talking how you are now.
CUSE TOWN333 wrote:and hideing behind a alt is any less scrubby  let Blaze have his War room fun even if he did come from Vaders punch. Its not like you can or are going to do anything about it anyway since your to scared to even use your main to talk to him.  Dust User wrote:I heard blaziken is OP so can I join? you know whats funny im not really sure who he is  He's not posting from an alt. I tell my guys not to post on the forums to save themselves from the stupidity. Hence why he has low likes/you rarely see him on here.
The fact you're even saying anything when you jumped to PE to RG to 0H back to KEQ trying to recruit/build KEQ up again then a week later join AE shows how much of a scrub you are. But as I always say, "Everyone wants to play for the Yankees". Then you say stuff like, "Its not like you can or are going to do anything about it anyway". Stop acting like Blaziken using who you're playing for to try building your own image Mr. jump to whatever corp/alliance that's biggest in MH at that moment.
The fact you're sticking up for Blaziken when you said you didn't know who he was shows how wack you are. Fail troll proficiency 5.
Do yourself a favor and buy this: http://www.rosettastone.com/learn-english
Summary: Blaz is a dumb POS who needs to go back to cleaning the jock straps of players carrying him. |