Daemonn Adima wrote:
1. Why does the mass driver exist?
Before I even read the rest of this paragraph, I smiled.

2. Revives are inconsistent and players suck
We've all experienced the blueberries who die in front of you, you whip out your nanite injector and just try not to die until you can rez... only you never get that opportunity because they never hit the button for a revive. This is a terrible mechanic, revives should be able to be performed on every soldier the second you hit the ground. If you want to change your loadout go to a supply depot or wait until you die away from a medic or you cannot be revived again. What sane person wouldn't want to save fittings and use death as a way to change loadouts?
I appreciate that it's frustrating when you're ready to revive someone and they don't call for a revive... But I would pin this more on awkwardness of informing players of this fact rather than the non-revivability under fire. If it were made absolutely clear to even the thickest of people that you need to PUSH X TO GET REVIVED and that you should do so, I think more people would. 'Call for help', surprisingly, isn't always recognised as necessary by newbies. I've mentored several people who were unaware of this and I had to explain to them over comms that they needed to press x to be revived.
Previously there were problems with revive abuse - people would endlessly revive people under fire in a frustrating manner, for instance. In some scenarios people would be 'farmed', where two players would co-operate to shoot the victim, have them revived (by a friend on the other team) and then repeat to get many easy kills. This had the frustrating side-effect of counting as a death for the player each time it happened to them.
An obvious solution and one that's been asked for since forever is to only have deaths count on bleedout. It's a minor thing, but it does have an effect on the psychology of the situation.
Perhaps a superior solution would be to allow players to 'accept' revives. They wouldn't need to call for help to be revived - allowing logis to needle them and get their WP - but they'd need to push a button to get up once that happens. There are a couple of minor problems with that solution, but I think it would be better than the current system.
3. Pub stomping needs to be balanced
I'm all for a good stomping, it's inevitable and goes both ways. But I've noticed a trend of Corp members playing like absolute assholes. Mad proto spam even when it's 4 Corp members vs pub, bunny hopping, mass driver, dropship spam or all in commando suits with mass drivers and scramble rifles and jump mods. Usually it's a combo of all these tactics when it's 4 Corp members. Don't you guys want a challenge? Is it fun to watch people leave and then have the teams never even? I just don't understand the draw to playing like this or even why CCP allowed these mix of mechanics. It doesn't enhance or enrich the game in any way.
I love the game but some things leave me smfh.
This is the one thing I lament about DUST the most.
Rooftop camping, MD hopping, blatant team mismatches... It's so easy to simply break the game in a way that isn't really fulfilling. It isn't a challenge when you're running a full proto squad and slaughtering your way through newbies. It isn't a challenge when you sit on a rooftop filled with uplinks and triage hives and camp there all match. And it certainly isn't a challenge to do both of these things at once.
The balance is precarious, and map design lends itself extremely well to such 'cheesemode' tactics. There is no real solution to rooftop camping bar orbital strikes - even modestly competent groups without access to proto are able to drive off an ADS, and orbital strikes are neither readily available nor reliable.
Matchmaking is a tricky beast, I think. There've been numerous efforts to 'fix' it but I'm not sure I've ever been satisfied with it. It seems that overwhelmingly the number of matches I play are one-sided stomps, and those aren't really fun for either team. It's not enjoyable to sit on the redline all match waiting for some newbie to muster the courage to charge your wall of triple damage modded proto weapons. I doubt the newbie is having much fun in that situation either.
I'm not convinced a solution will arrive, though. Perhaps it's rather apt that I'm in a corp and alliance both named Negative Feedback with such an outlook, but this third point, more than anything, has contributed to the break I'm currently taking from the game. But not the forums, because that would be unthinkable.

Edit: I don't leave games.
A true stalwart. o7